Quality Assurance Department (QAD) at IbriCT took the initiative to create awareness on quality assurance and ISAA related activities innovatively. 

In this regard, QAD conducted ISAA Gala and QAD Shop inauguration on 23 June, 2019 at 10.30 AM at the College reception hall. The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with Dr Ahmed Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, Mr Ali Al-Kalbani, Member of College Council, Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA and Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi, ADSA. 

Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, welcomed the dignitaries, staff, students, parents and other guests. She also gave an orientation on the objectives of ISAA Gala. She mentioned that this ISAA Gala is an awareness campaign which will be continued throughout upcoming years and in each gala, two standards will be oriented to the stakeholders.

The importance of the event towards accreditation was explained by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari. 

QAD officer and Business Studies lecturer, Dr Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, presented the purpose of QAD shop. He said that the idea of QAD shop was proposed on 18th of May 2019 to enhance the quality culture at college. QAD shop is actually a hub where ‘shoppers’ could go and look for things that catch their interest, including: QA leaflets on ADRI, brochures on SP, posters on college progress towards OAAA accreditation 2020, Quality Assurance Manual and the like are displayed on shelves. 

An informative and interesting ISAA Marketing video as a roadmap to OAAA accreditation with opinions of stakeholders was spearheaded by Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, QAD officer and ELC lecturer. 

ISAA awareness series was commenced with the awareness on standard 1led by Dr Pugalarasu, member of Standard 1 Working Group and Head of Mathematics Section. He enhanced the knowledge of the stakeholders on Standard 1: Governance and Management.

To lighten the event and evaluate the learning of attendees on standards 1 and 2, Ms Heba Qureshi conducted a KAHOOT quiz on the said standards. The quiz also included some important information related to ISAM. At the end of the quiz, prizes were distributed to the winners. Mr Joseph Michel stood third, Ms Laly Anthony secured the second position and a parent of an alumnus got the first place.

A brief description of ISAA Standard 2: Student Learning by Coursework Programs was given by Dr Sultan Al-Ghafri, ELC Head of Section and acting chairman of standard 2.

Mr. Omar Al-Balushi, Head of Business Department, expounded the importance of surveys. 

Dr. Ahmed Mohammad Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, shared his views on the successful event. He congratulated the dean and the college for creating awareness innovatively. He was overwhelmed with the strategies that the college thought of. He commented that, with the shown enthusiasm and creative approach, he is confident that IbriCT will definitely be successful in achieving the accreditation.

Ms Nawal thanked the participation of parents, alumni and other stakeholders from the community.

Mr Basim Al-Mushaifri, Head of ELC, and Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA, appreciated the efforts of QAD in conducting this event and motivated the staff and students to visit the shop regularly and enjoy shopping at QAD shop.

To wrap up the event, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari thanked the dignitaries, staff, students and other stakeholders for gracing the event and mentioned that the core objective of QAD is to create a culture of quality at IbriCT.  

In the end, the attendees were also requested to give feedback through Mentimeter. Mr Rashid Al-Hinai collected the feedback and interacted with the attendees meanwhile. Feedback results show that ISAA Gala and QAD Shop scored excellent response from the stakeholders. Most of the audience strongly agree that the event was a good initiative to follow the roadmap towards accreditation.

Coffee chat followed. The participants talked freely on quality assurance and at the same time enjoyed each other’s company over a cup of coffee and snacks. At the same time, they had the opportunity to go shopping at the QAD shop. 

ISAA Gala was ended with a photo session at 1:00 PM.

In order to develop a new strategic plan (SP) for the next five years, the QAU of Ibri College of Technology suggested conducting a SWOT analysis in all departments on the Goals (of college) and Criteria (of ISAA). Taking this as an initiation, the Engineering Department conducted SWOT analysis sessions on 23, 25 and 26 April 2018. To carry out the SWOT analysis, staff members were distributed into eight groups, one per table. Members of each table carried out the SWOT analysis on the goal and criteria assigned to the concerned table. Overall, all the staff grouped into eight separate tables participated with dynamism, carried out an effective analysis and provided their suggestions through presentations in the form of reports that were provided for each table. Getting motivated by the suggestions and past experiences of HoD and HoS’s, the SWOT analysis sessions yielded a fruitful outcome for developing a new SP (2018-2023).