A Report on SWOT Analysis

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In order to develop a new strategic plan (SP) for the next five years, the QAU of Ibri College of Technology suggested conducting a SWOT analysis in all departments on the Goals (of college) and Criteria (of ISAA). Taking this as an initiation, the Engineering Department conducted SWOT analysis sessions on 23, 25 and 26 April 2018. To carry out the SWOT analysis, staff members were distributed into eight groups, one per table. Members of each table carried out the SWOT analysis on the goal and criteria assigned to the concerned table. Overall, all the staff grouped into eight separate tables participated with dynamism, carried out an effective analysis and provided their suggestions through presentations in the form of reports that were provided for each table. Getting motivated by the suggestions and past experiences of HoD and HoS’s, the SWOT analysis sessions yielded a fruitful outcome for developing a new SP (2018-2023).


Read 700 times Last modified on Sunday, 15 December 2019 03:12
Monday, 14 May 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr Gelella Sridhar Reddy In Engineering Tags
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