On 29 January 2018, IbriCT OJT Committee in collaboration with Entrepreneurship Committee of Department of Business Studies organised a presentation on ‘Edlal’ – the first Omani open e-learning platform launched by Omantel. The presentation was held at the Lecture Theater of IbriCT.

Edlal is a knowledge-based platform that aims to contribute in preparing young Omanis to join the workforce by equipping them with the required skills and knowledge for the market. It also plays a dynamic role in enhancing the Arabic language content on the Internet with timely and reliable information.


ELC Professional Development Committee organized a workshop for E-Learning (Moodle) on November 1, 2017. The purpose of this workshop was to provide necessary training to all the staff members of ELC, in using Moodle for effective teaching and learning.

Almost all the lecturers of Foundation and Post Foundation programs attended this activity.

The Learning Resource Committee had organized the training sessions for the students in the Female Free Access Lab on 18th, 25th and 27th of September, for different batches of Business Studies students, on how to log-in to the new e-learning Moodle, how to enroll themselves in the courses allotted to them on e-learning respectively.

They were also explained as to how to submit their assignments through e-Learning and interact with their course teachers using forums and emails.

The Staff development committee of the Engineering department in association with the E-learning committee organized a presentation called, “Exploring the Advantages of E-learning”, on October 12, 2017 from 2.00 to 3.00 PM at the Free Access lab of the Engineering Department. This program was aimed at creating awareness about the various advantages of E-learning and to enable staff to utilize E-learning effectively and efficiently.


The E-Learning committee of the English Language Centre organized a workshop on how to use E- Learning for foundation students on Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11, 2017, at different timings in the Lecture Theatre, Engineering building. Ms. Budoor, Lecturer, ELC conducted the workshop for all the four levels of the foundation programme.