E-learning Awareness and Training Programs

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The Learning Resource Committee had organized the training sessions for the students in the Female Free Access Lab on 18th, 25th and 27th of September, for different batches of Business Studies students, on how to log-in to the new e-learning Moodle, how to enroll themselves in the courses allotted to them on e-learning respectively.

They were also explained as to how to submit their assignments through e-Learning and interact with their course teachers using forums and emails.

The training sessions were taken by Dr. Syeda Zubaida Hashmi and Mr. Prasad PM, the members of Learning Resource Committee, as part of the Operational Plan sub-goal:

2.1 - To ensure continuous improvement of teaching, learning and training process and strategies,

2.1.3 - To provide in-house needs-based learning and training opportunities for students and

2.1.4. - To use recent technology in teaching and learning.

The sessions were quite interactive, practical and resourceful. The students are now able to enroll themselves using the enrolment key provided by the teachers. They are instructed to make a plagiarism check and upload the assignments on ‘Turnitin Assignments’ from current semester onwards.

Read 761 times Last modified on Monday, 23 October 2017 10:35
Monday, 02 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Dr. Zubaida Hashmi In Business Studies Tags
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