Ms.Badour Al-Hinai participated in the Open Day activities as presenter a Ibri School, on April 24, 2018. She conducted a workshop on "Designing Videos to Enhance Learning" for school teachers. A number of school teachers attended this workshop. The object of this workshop was to train school teachers in using modern technology for effective teaching and learning. She highlighted the importance of using technology especially videos, in teaching and learning. The teachers can design their own videos and utilize them effectively in the class. It saves their time, enhances students’ interest and motivation, and improves their practical skills. Last but not the least, teachers can achieve the desired learning outcomes. The participants of this workshop got innovative ideas from this activity.



The Professional Development Committee of the English Language Centre organized two ELT presentations on Thursday, December 14, 2017. The first guest speaker Dr Muna Saif AlKalbani, assistant professor Arab Open University Oman gave a presentation on one of the most challenging aspects of English language teaching in Oman: Students Motivation.


The English Language Centre conducted a workshop on the use of Turnitin in Moodle last October 19, 2017, at Ibri College of Technology.

Mr. Abdullah Al Shukeily, Head of Educational Technologies Center, spearheaded the said workshop by explaining the process of creating assignments through the use of the college e-learning system or Moodle. This system provides lecturers, administrators and learners with integrated system to create a personalized and active learning environment.