Small Business- Road for Excellent Life Workshop

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This Workshop was organized by Entrepreneurship Committee – Department of Business Studies - in coordination with College OJT Committee in Multi-Purpose Hall, on 17th October 2017.

The session started at 12.00 p.m. with Dr. Sanjay Saha (Hos- HR) delivering the Welcome address and was followed by the words of wisdom from the chief guest Mr. Bader Rashid Salem Al-Alawi, Rabea Damashq Trading. He enlightened the students on the benefits of having ‘Small Business’ as one’s occupation. He also shared his experiences on challenges in small business and enlightened students on the various practical aspects of how to become an entrepreneur.

He emphasized the significance of Brand Creation and the purpose behind it. He narrated his own business life story, stressing upon the need and importance of Small Business in Oman.

About 60 students studying Entrepreneurship Course, participated in the workshop. They had a fruitful interaction with the chief guest gaining insights and ideas on how to start a Business. In addition to students, the members from Human Resources Dept., and Administration & Finance Dept. of the College also took part in the program.

The students benefited from this workshop and gained exposure to the nature, benefits and scope of Small Business in Oman and wished to have some more programs like this in future.

At the end of the program, Mr. Younus Al –Zaabi, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs felicitated the resource person, Mr. Bader Rashid Salem Al-Alawi with certificate along with a token of appreciation.

The Workshop was successfully conducted and on behalf of Entrepreneurship Committee, Department of Business Studies, the Coordinator Mr. Sathyamoorthy Manikandan expressed his heartfelt thanks to the College Management, Head of Business Studies Department and OJT College coordinator Mr. Zaid Al-Badi and faculty members of Business Studies Department for their cooperation and support.

Read 845 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 October 2017 04:31
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Sandeep Kale In Business Studies
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