Turnitin Orientation

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Adopting new technologies is one of the core objectives of this IbriCT. In line with this, the Learning Resource Committee in collaboration with Staff Research and Consultancy Committee - Department of Business studies - conducted a Workshop on ‘Turnitin’ (Software to check plagiarism) for its members on 5th October 2017.

Mr. Abdullah Al Shukaili – HOC, ETC was the chief presenter at the workshop. He enlightened the members on how to use Turnitin to check for plagiarism on students output in the form of assignment, and other materials.

He explained the members on how to make one’s own account and then how to upload any file, then to check whether it has been copied from some source or is an original effort.

He also informed the members that the software is now attached to e-learning Moodle of the College. Online submission of assignment will be checked automatically by this software and then it will give the report on plagiarism. He also discussed that there is an option to decide up to how much percentage of plagiarism is allowed.

The session was quiet an interactive one and all the members present benefitted from it and welcomed the introduction of Turnitin software in the students’ assessment process.

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Thursday, 12 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Asif Mahmood In Business Studies Tags
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