Lead and Speak

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The English Language Students’ committee from Moquniyat school in coordination with ELC organized a workshop entitled ‘Lead and Speak Project’ on 22nd of March 2018 in Multi-Purpose Hall (Engineering Building). The students from Muquniyat School organized a number of activities that showed their leadership skills through effective communication in English.

Lead and Speak Project is the brain child of Ms Iman Al Majrafi and the visit to college was aimed at promoting the use of English language by the students outside the school. The program provided an opportunity to the students from Muquniyat School to learn and exchange ideas with the college teachers by interviewing them. The students were divided into 10 interview panels; each one comprising 5 students. Each panel interviewed three different ELC teachers for 3 to five minutes with questions ranging from different social, cultural and academic fields. The concluding segment of the event was particularly enlivened by the fun games involving the project students and the teachers from ELC. The ELC teachers who have been involved in the project since its inception three years ago, noted a remarkable improvement in the spoken skill of the students over the project period. The event also marked the successful completion of the project.

The Social Media Committee headed by Miaad Saif Al-Farsi interviewed some of the students of the Maquniyat High school on the sidelines of the Lead and Speak project event. The students expressed their gratitude to their English language teacher who helped and coached them throughout the project. ELC’s Social Media Team also approached the Project leader to know her feelings on the successful completion of the project.  “ I am  proud of my students” Said Ms Iman “During the rehearsals at school they impressed me with their outstanding performance; however I wasn’t sure if they would be able to do the same at the final event outside the college. They did, and you have witnessed it today” She expressed with a great sense of achievement. The Social Media Team appreciated her tireless efforts to make the whole project a real success.

Read 662 times Last modified on Wednesday, 28 March 2018 11:57
Wednesday, 28 March 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms. Khalid Al Gharibi In ELC Tags
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