ELC (283)

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC)) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Gamify Grammar” on Thursday, Apri l4, 2024. The presenter was Ms. Nasiyba Al Ghafri, PSC staff member. The audiences were English language lecturers from PSC. This training session enlightened the participants about the use of games for teaching grammar. The presenter highlighted the importance of students’ involvement in teaching and learning. They can be easily engaged through teaching games, especially while learning grammar. As we know that deductive methods of teaching grammar are very boring and dry. Therefore, teaching grammar through games plays a vital role in engaging students’ interest in the subject. Ms Nasiyba displayed how to use interesting interactive games in the classroom for teaching grammar. The attendees were involved actively in this activity. At the end, MS Samiya al Ghafri presented a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was highly appreciated by the participants through their feedback.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Classroom Management” on Thursday, April 4, 2024. The presenter was Mr. Abdullah Al Balushi, PSC staff member. The session mainly aimed to raise awareness on some classroom management strategies and techniques that the teachers need to implement in their classrooms. Eleven different classroom management strategies and techniques were shown to the audience and six of them were discussed and explained. The workshop focused on the participants’ knowledge of these different techniques as they worked in groups to share their ideas with all the participants and then the presenter showed them the techniques and explained them. The session was interactive. The participants actively shared their views as a part of the activities during the session. At the end, Mr Ahmed Al Mamari gave away a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was well received with positive feedback from the participants.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC)) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Students’ Motivation”” on Thursday, April4, 2024. The presenter was Mr. Shahzad Ahmad, PSC staff member. The session mainly focused on the research that he has conducted on the types of motivation and how they influence on the learners’ performance. These types cannot be clearly separated as they overlap one another. However, the knowledge of these divisions can help the teachers to guess what the hurdles are there for the students’ learning and how they can be motivated. If there is lack of intrinsic motivation, then no one can show maximum interest in the studies. Extrinsic motivation also plays an important role in the performance of the students, such as good grades would help them getting good job, higher salary, or admission at the reputed institutions. Teachers’ role is very important in this regard. They should try to know the causes of students’ lack of interest in studies, and then try to motivate them accordingly. After the session, there followed a fruitful discussion on the same topic and the participants asked some probing questions on this issues. At the end, MS Cara, Level 4 Coordinator, gave away a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was received well with positive feedback from the participants.

Monday, 08 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

English Society of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) provides ample opportunities to GFP students for showcasing their talent in various disciplines. Engaging students in research on prestigious platforms is one of the goals of English society. In this regard, four outstanding students of UTAS-Ibri presented a research study at Sultan Qaboos University in the Students Conference (English Department) on February 27, 2024. The topic of the research was *Voice of GFP Students: Current Challenges of Learning English among Students. *

The following students represented UTAS, Ibri:

· Malak Al-Luwauhi

· Lubna Al-Shabnoti

· Abdulkarim Al-Gharibi

· Ahmed Almanthari


On behalf of the PSC, Dr. Mohsen Amiri accompanied them as their research mentor. The presentation was in the form of a poster presentation, and our students did excellent work, according to feedback.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

SPD Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) conducted a training session for the staff on “Introduction to Active Learning Methods (ALMs) in Student-Centered Learning”. Dr. Suresh Rasapan was the presenter, and the staff from all units of PSC attended this activity. The presenter focused on the importance of ALMs in teaching and learning. Active learning is an essential process in which individuals actively engage with learning materials and tailor their methods to their unique learning styles. The passive act of verbalization alone does not guarantee comprehension; rather, active participation through reading, writing, discussing, and reflecting is necessary. Active Learning Methods (ALMs) are recommended because they involve multiple parts of the brain, requiring students to actively process information. According to Silberman, “When learning is active, students do most of the work”. Active learning places the primary responsibility on students, promoting higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, as opposed to passive listening. This study underscores the significance of active engagement in the learning process, leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. At the end of this session, Dr. Sultan Al Ghafri, HOC, gave away a certificate of appreciation to the presenter. The participants showed keen interest in this activity and gave quite positive response.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

PSC Health and Safety Committee organized a webinar “Health and Safety Awareness Session” on March 21, 2024. The session focused mainly on raising basic awareness of the Health and Safety procedures in place on our campus. Miss Thandeka Khathi presented the emergency evacuation, fire procedure, and first aid procedures. Clear illustrations were given and directions to the nearest assembly points were shared, using pictures. The importance of completing the incident report form was emphasized as well as instructions on how to access it and the procedure to submit it.

Miss Haleema Tausef then followed with General Health and Safety tips for the participants. This part of the presentation dealt with practical day-to-day advice to maintain good health, prevent hazards, and ensure safety. Participants were further urged to take responsibility for their own Health and Safety by applying tips such as decluttering their workspaces, keeping hydrated and reporting potential hazards such as open wires, faulty equipment, etc.

Participants voiced their appreciation for an informative session and declared that they learned a lot.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) organized a presentation on “Exploring the Resources and Capabilities within the UTAS Branch”, on 14th March 2024, at Lecture theatre, Engineering Block, Al Saada Campus. The presenter, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawahi, HoD Research &Consultancy Department, UTAS Ibri, gave an enlightened presentation on how the researchers in UTAS branch can explore different research resources and sharpen their research capabilities. He highlighted the roles and objectives of the Research and Consultancy Department (RCD) of the UTAS Branch; he also discussed support and resources offered by RCD. Towards the end, he pointed out some misconceptions and wrong practices.

While encompassing responsibilities of the RCD, he said that its foremost duty is to foster research culture, and support and facilitate the researchers. Ensuring quality and compliance with ethical consideration are also two other important duties of the department. He said that a Research Lab is going to be established very soon where the researchers would do their research work peacefully and efficiently. He also highlighted the importance of Post-graduate program support. Research culture is the point the university is focus on. He also talked about some misconceptions and wrong practices done by the researchers which could result in bad name for the individuals and the institution. The participants highly appreciated this presentation. In the end, a certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr. Al-Rawahi by Dr. Sultan Hamed Hilal Al Ghafri, HoC (PSC).

Wednesday, 20 March 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Staff Professional Development Committee of PSC organized a training session on “EJADA System” for the part-time teachers and new staff on March 14, 2024 at PSC meeting room. MS Zahra Arab was the presenter. In this orientation, MS Zahra explained the Ejada System, and how it works. She elaborated how to plan goals, and set achievable results and their weightages. The trainees were told what types of proofs are required for the evaluation of the goals and results achievements, and how they are maintained and presented for the final evaluation. Ejada system is very important for the evaluation of the teachers’ performance and their strengths and weaknesses. This system helps the administration to find out the areas to be improved. Ms Zahra also explained different tools used in this system to judge one’s efficiency. The trainees gave very positive feedback on this presentation as it would help them a lot in their future job requirements.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) held an award distribution ceremony for the top performing students of PSC, on March 7, 2024. Dr. Nasser Salim Alkalbani, Deputy Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UTAS, Ibri, was the guest of honour for this occasion. Ms. Adeeba and Ms. Nusaiba from Students Activities Committee, carried out the proceedings of the program. The top achievers and their parents were also present on this occasion.

PSC has always recognized the brilliant performance of its students in academic and co-curricular activities. PSC’s Student Activities Committee provides ample opportunities to the students to show their talent in various academic and extracurricular competitions through different platforms such as Speaking Café, Writing Help Center, Peer Tutoring, Competitions, Cup of Tea Podcast, Clubs, Visits, Workshops, etc.

During the Fall AY 2023-2024, a number of students from different levels showed wonderful performance in GFP English, Mathematics, and Computing Skills. Dr. Nasser DAVC Academic Affairs, and Dr. Sultan HoC PSC, gave away the prizes and certificates to the top achievers.

The following top achievers were awarded certificates of appreciation:

GFP English Top Achievers

1. Reham Humaid Abdullah Humaid Al Maqbali Level 1

2. Abdulmalik Issa Khaseeb Al Rawahi Level 1

3. Ilyas Abdullah Ali Al Hatmi Level 2

4. Sheikha Saud Khamis Obaid Al Badi Level 2

5. Ghaliya Mohammed Awadh Salim Al Badi Level 3

6. Jahina Said Mohammed Al Aamri Level 3

7. Hams Mohammed Rashid 'Obaid Al Mamary Level 4

8. Mohammed Salim Hadaf Al Balushi Level 4

GFP Mathematics Top Achievers

1. Shifaa Salim Rashid Al Sariri (Basic Math)

2. Aysha Ali Hashil Hikmani (Basic Math)

3. Rodyna Mahmood Khalfan Ali Al Maqbali (Applied Math)

4. Rzan Ali Hamyar Al Hinai (Applied Math)

5. Almuataz Mohammed Masoud Al Hatmi (Pure Math)

6. Mohammed Said Khamis KhalfanAl Sadairi (Pure Math)

GFP Computing Skills Top Achievers

1. Aisha Saif Mohammed Al Kalbani

2. Wefaq Mohammed Said Al-Abri

The ceremony came to an end with a group photo of the students with the chief guest and Dr. Sultan.

Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

The head of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) held a 2nd staff meeting on March 7, 2024. Dr. Sultan Hamed Hilal Al Ghafri, chaired the meeting. The meeting was held at Lecture Theatre, in the Engineering Department building. Besides English language lecturers, Math and IT lecturers also attended it. Addressing the attendees, Dr. Sultan welcomed the new HoUs, Mr Sultan Al Sawafi and Ms Werda, on assuming their offices. Dr. Sultan also thanked Dr. Mryam Al Ghafri and Dr. Pugalarasu Rajan for their great services for the Centre as HoUs. He also appreciated Mr Ghanim for his services as Examination Coordinator who is replaced by Mohammed Al Shamakhi.

Highlighting the teaching concerns, Dr. Sultan stressed the need of using Student Centered Learning techniques for teaching and learning. He encouraged the staff to use such techniques that require students’ involvement and self-learning. The classroom seating arrangement should be organized in such a way that it would encourage students’ teamwork or group work, and peer learning.

Talking about teachers’ leave or emergency absence, he stressed that the staff must follow the procedure for leave application through portal, and inform the relevant coordinator about their leave or absence from duty. In case of any concerns or issues, the staff should contact the immediate person at the level or unit and proceed through proper channels before approaching the last authority for such matters.

Dr. Sultan briefed about the slight changes in the internal rules for students’ tardiness. Regarding the students’ attendance, he urged upon the teachers to enter students’ attendance in CIMS regularly. If someone is absent or sick, it’s student’s concern to inform registration department.

Explaining the Ejaada evaluation procedure, Dr. Sultan said that an achievement is an “action that goes beyond duties and responsibilities, and contributes to the improvement of operations, services, or the work environment…”. He said that only those lecturers’ names are forwarded for rewards who meet the above criteria.

At the end of this gathering Dr. Sultan thanked all the staff for their continuous efforts in providing quality education to the students. At the end, the attendees were served with refreshment and a group photo of the staff was taken.

Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC