Fire Safety and First Aid Awareness Programme to New Staff

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 The Health and Safety committee of Ibri College of Technology organised a fire safety induction programme on 20 April 2019 to newly-joined staff in this academic year 2018-19. Dr K. Elangovan, Chairman, Health and Safety Committee, focused on the awareness on fire safety and first aid procedures to be fallowed in case of fire, to the new staff members. He briefed about different types of fire extinguishers available in the college buildings and how to use them during   emergency situations. First aid procedures to be fallowed in case of fire injuries were also presented. In continuation of the presentation, new staff members were given hands-on training to handle fire extinguishers on an artificially created fire.


Read 313 times Last modified on Saturday, 14 December 2019 18:18
Wednesday, 01 May 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Elangovan Krishnamoorthy In Engineering
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