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The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology organised a one-day workshop on INERT GAS (TIG AND MIG) WELDING PRACTICES on 24 April 2019, for both internal and external faculty members from Mechanical Engineering. Attending participants were from various colleges of technology – Al Musannah, Shinas and Nizwa – and technicians from the Vocational College, Ibri.

In the first session of the workshop, Dr K. Elangovan gave a presentation on the classification of welding techniques and discussed the TIG and MIG welding application in industry. This was followed by Dr V. Sivananth who gave a presentation on welding inspection and testing methods. 

The second session of the workshop was held in the welding workshop. Trainers from Technical Trading Company, Oman, gave hands-on training in the handling of machines and welding related TIG and MIG welding processes. At the end of the workshop, Mr Rashid Al Hinai, the assistant dean for Administration and Financial Affairs, and Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi, head of the Engineering Department, distributed certificates of appreciation to all the participants. The practice session was well-received by the participants with individual hands-on training and interaction. 


Read 353 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 May 2019 07:21
Wednesday, 08 May 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr V. Sivananth In Engineering
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