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The Engineering Student Club (ESC), previously known as the Engineering Student Council, which was formed in 2018, recently held an online election of officers for 2019-2020. The nominees must be official members of ESC, but any bona fide IbriCT Engineering student can cast a vote. Voting closed on 31 January 2020. The election winners were officially declared on 3 February 2020. 

President : Marwan Awadh Al Yaqoubi
Vice-President : Asaad Said Khalfan Al Zeedi
Secretary : Amran Hilal Hamood Al Shukaili
Tresurer : Abdullah Shaikhan Khalfan Al Shaaili
PIO : Mutheir Mubarak Ali Al Shaili
Advisers : Mrs Lizette Ivy Pascual and Mrs Nahed Al Muqrashi


Most of the membership of the ESC comes from the Electrical Engineering students. Therefore, most of the winners are Electrical Engineering students; President, Secretary, Treasurer, and PIO. Only the Vice-President position is occupied by a Mechanical Engineering student.The ESC is under the supervision and guidance of the Engineering Society. Mrs Lizette and Mrs Nahed of the Engineering Society are tasked to assist and monitor the students and their activities.

The newly elected officers were all presented to the head of the Engineering Department, Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi.  Introductions were made and the first meeting was immediately conducted in the Engineering Conference Room.

To initiate plans for the ESC Activities, the President-elect has called for a General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 12 noon, in classroom B115.

Read 151 times Last modified on Sunday, 16 February 2020 07:22
Sunday, 16 February 2020 00:00 Written by  Mrs Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering
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