First Student Seminar

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In collaboration with the course project sub-committee, the Research and Consultancy Committee of the Information Technology Department organised the first student seminar on 28 January 2021 using MS Teams. The seminar was intended to encourage our students to share their work and promote an innovation and research culture among students and staff. Four projects were presented during this event. The details of the participated projects are as follows:

The first participant, Zakariya Salim Said Al Shoukri, presented a project titled “Unity Speed Run”. Unity Speed Run is a 3D three-level runner game implemented using the Unity framework. Many techniques were used to implement the game including Blender, the Free and Open-Source 3D creation suite, and C# programming language. The 3D models incorporated in the game represent real-life models replicating scenes from Ibri and Muscat. The student demonstrated the game and showed how the difficulty level changes corresponding with the player’s progression. 

The second participant, Amal Aamir Sulaiman Al Kalbani, presented her project titled “Oman E-Tourism Android App”. The project was an Android application implemented using MIT App Inventor. The project is intended to promote the local tourism industry. The application supports four user roles: tourist, tourist guide, tourist site manager and restaurant manager. The application is based on a crowed-sourcing model in which the application users eventually maintain and update the information provided by the application. The student demonstrated the application through a video uploaded to YouTube.

Arwa Hamed Rashid Al Ghassani was the third participant in this seminar, the student presented her project titled “Design and Simulating COVID-19 Monitoring Network”. The project is intended to design a secured network connecting all hospitals and medical centres across Ad Dhahirah Governorate. The network was simulated using Cisco Packet Tracer to demonstrate how the data will be transmitted to Governorate-level data centre and shared with the public through a demilitarised zone. 

Marwan Rashid Hamed Al Hinai was the last participant in this event. He presented a project titled “IoT-based Gas Leak Detector Establishment”. The project is intended to alert property owners if a gas leakage has occurred in their home. The system was designed using low-cost materials including an Arduino-compatible board and MQ-5 gas sensor. The student successfully constructed a prototype and demonstrated how the system reacts when gas is detected. Moreover, the notification will be received on the user’s phone via the utilisation of Adafruit IO and IFTTT cloud services.

The presented projects have received many constructive comments to help the students to further enhance their work and the improve usefulness of their artifacts.

Read 129 times Last modified on Monday, 05 April 2021 08:34
Monday, 05 April 2021 00:00 Written by  Dr Qais Saif Qassim Al Janabi In IT
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