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The workshop on “MetaVRse” was held on 20 May 2021 from 2 to 4 pm. The speakers for the event, Ms Julie Smithson and Mr Alan Smithson, gave a workshop on the technology behind the XR (mixed reality) game engine. 

Ms Julie introduced the agenda of the event followed by discussing key definitions of the technology behind the engine. These included - Augmented reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (XR). AR can usually be accessed using a camera on a the mobile device while augmenting content over the layout. Mixed Reality uses augmented content in the real world. A sense of spatial awareness can be identified by the degrees of freedom 3 and 6. 

The purpose of 3D was discussed:

  • 3D for simulation
  • Builds a connection
  • Game-based learning that would be fun and sparks curiosity
  • Interactive to communicate, train, educate and work
  • Helps increase product marketing
  • Training employees with product usage or simulation scenarios (learning rate increases)
  • Educating students with a more fun and interactive method
  • Implementing real-time analytics to gather information about user interactivity and experience

Julie highlighted the key trends in the market especially around the pandemic situation. There is a prediction of $1.5 trillion contribution to global economy by 2030. 

Alan gave a complete live demonstration of the MetaVRse game engine and mentioned its online editor that can be used for building applications for fashion, education, training, virtual showroom an immersive 3D interaction, engineering, retail, entertainment, industrial with one-click publishing emphasising the live configuration setup with animative feedback.

A fully functional interactive demonstration was created to showcase the features of the engine. These features included the MetaVRse engine interface with drag and drop of scene objects such as 3D models, lights, camera, realism parameters, etc. in addition to easily plugging in animations with the content and finally publishing the content using QR code to mobile devices.

The speakers provided a questions and answers session for all where key questions were answered such as pricing, workflow, engine features and how exactly the engine fits certain case scenarios.


The duration of the workshop was about two hours and attended by 20 attendees – students and staff form inside and outside the college. They showed their appreciation on this webinar and how they got to know more about 3D tools and MetaVRse. The average score of the feedback was 4.92 out of 5.

Read 150 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 June 2021 05:38
Thursday, 24 June 2021 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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