2021 trends in information security

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The staff Development Committee of the Information Technology Department conducted a session about trends in information security. The webinar was presented by M Geogen, lecturer in the IT department, UTAS Ibri.

Mr Geogen welcomed the participants and briefed the topic. He focused on the changes happening in 2020, where COVID-19 impacted the world in ways no one could have predicted. As a result, organisations had to pivot and strategise, adapt and change. Organisations should be resilient enough to withstand all sorts of changes and disruptions, whether technology related or natural disasters. Focusing on the cybersecurity sector, technology evolution and new trends will shape the environment in the forthcoming year. Embracing cybersecurity trends well in advance can help organizations differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain strategic advantage.

Mr Geogen explained the main top trends in information security which include:

  1. Lockdowns permanently change how we conduct business
  2. Patch management will become a top priority for the C Suite
  3. Ransomware will continue to be the #1 threat
  4. Supply chain attacks will grow and be more targeted
  5. CMMC will set the tone for enforcing security standard, GDPR and CCPA spread around the world
  6. Security operations centre (SOC) services will evolve
  7. Multi-Factor Authentication use with Evolve
  8. The cold war of Cyber Security is Here and will Heat Up
  9. Mining, transportation, construction, and energy are prime targets
  10. Drive-by wireless attacks will impact remote workers
  11. Continued raise of AI and machine learning
  12. Increased attacks on cloud services
  13. Increased need for cybersecurity professionals 
  14. Insider threats on the rise
  15. Rise of automotive hacking

At the end of the session Mr Geogen answered participants’ questions and appreciated the efforts of staff development committee. 


The duration of the webinar was about two hours and was attended by 16 attendees – students and staff in the university. They showed their appreciation on this webinar and how they got to know more about security trends. The average score of the feedback was 4.95 out of 5.

Read 143 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 June 2021 05:37
Thursday, 24 June 2021 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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