Dominating Sets, Total Dominating Sets and Distance-k Domination Polynomials

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The Math Research Group of the Information Technology Department organised a knowledge sharing seminar on Dominating Sets, Total Dominating Sets and k-Domination Polynomials on Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 9 am in the lecture hall D133, facilitated by Mr Wasim Raja and Dr Sanal Kumar, Lecturers in Mathematics, IT department, UTAS Ibri. 

Dr Kumar welcomed the participants and briefed the programme essence. Mr Wasim Raja started his presentation by describing the graph theory and its applications in physical, biological, social and information systems. He demonstrated an overview of Graphs, open neighbourhood, closed neighbourhood, Dominating sets and Total Dominating sets with examples.

Dr Sanal Kumar described k-Domination Polynomials. He started his presentation by describing open k-neighbourhood and closed k-neighbourhood of a vertex in a graph. He demonstrated an overview of k-dominating sets, k-total dominating sets, k-domination polynomials, and k-total domination polynomials of graphs. Dr Kumar also discussed the recent research papers published related to the presentations and future scope.

At the end of the session Dr R. Pugalarasu, HoS Math, appreciated the efforts of Math research group and its activities. He encouraged the participants of the seminar to involve in research activities.


Most of the attendees appreciated the programme and interacted with the speaker to get more clarity through the chat. The average score of the feedback was 4.78 out of 5.


Read 152 times
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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