YOU TURN – An Interactive Brainstorming Session Conducted on the Real Ecosystem of Software Firms 

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The Information Technology Department, University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Ibri, organised “YOU TURN” – a brainstorming session with international software experts on 29 March 2022 to inspire students who aim to build a successful career path in software in the Information Technology sector. The main objective of this session was to provide awareness for students in understanding the real environment of software firms. 

Ms Rama Rajagopal (Lead Data Engineer, Microsoft, Washington, USA), Mr Rose Jehilan John (System Analyst, TCS, Atlanta, USA), Mr Rajan Chellappan (Software Architect, Flexera Software, UK) and Ms Saritha Annadurai (Senior Software Engineer, eBay, California, USA), were the guest speakers of the brainstorming session.

The programme began with student Mr Issa Juma Musabah Al-Yahyaai introducing and elaborating on the objectives of the event. Bringing out the importance of understanding the ecosystem prevailing in software firm across the globe, he said, “In everyone’s life, there should be a turning point for reaching success. Students are looking for a turning point, motivation, and awareness. The “YOU TURN”, brainstorming session was organised by the Information Technology Department to inspire students to be successful in careers in software development and the IT sector”. He reiterated that this type of brainstorming in real life situations in software firms will bring clarity to those who aspire to choose the software industry as their career path.

While greeting the initiating the brainstorming, Dr Amal Bati Said Al Abri, HOD of the Information Technology Department, said that this exercise will get the motivated students to get insight into the real time experience of software industries. She also motivated students to join student clubs such as the programming club, networking club, and math club that are initiated by the Information Technology Department.

The first speaker, Mr Rajan Chellappan, software architect, Flexara, UK, presented a talk entitled “Being Corporate Ready – Journey to become a software engineer”. He started with a three-dimensional view by explaining the What, Why and How of the IT industry. Then he focused the various types of services provided by IT firms including Internet software and services, IT services, data processing and outsourcing services, and product-based services. He presented the benefits of seeking a career in the IT industry, industry top trends, and the ways to get into the IT industry. The speaker said, “Any industry is increasingly driven by the growth of software and, students can enhance knowledge and build projects in booming domains which has huge potentials such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, IoT, Virtual Reality, Block Chain, Cloud Computing, and so forth”.

Ms Saritha Annadurai, senior software engineer, eBay, California, USA, focused on the title “Job skills required for becoming software engineers”. She started her presentation by explaining the software development life cycle, programming skills development, most popular coding languages, importance of team building, the ways to apply for software jobs, and so on. She focused on two primary skills that are required for students: software skills (Python for AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Big Data projects, C++ for gaming projects, Java-HTML-C-Python-Javascript for web application projects and Golang, SQL for cloud computing projects) and soft skills (creative skills, problem solving, critical thinking). She also said, “Ninety-nine percent of the software industries use agile methodology as software process model, and water fall model is no more used”.  

In the final session, Ms Rama Rajagopal, lead data engineer, Microsoft, Washington, USA, and Mr Rose Jehilan John, system analyst and assistant consultant, TCS, Atlanta, USA, joined for the questions and answer session. Students from IT specialisations and other departments asked various interesting questions. These guests provided the insights and answers for the queries such as projects handled by Microsoft, internship in Microsoft, AI, ML and Data Science projects, popular programming languages used by IT firms, roles of software analyst and project manager, managing relationships with clients, use of free open source software tools in multi-national companies, registration procedure for IT jobs, IT certification examinations and courses, the importance of innovation and research skills, course projects in interviews, and difference between on-site and off-shore projects. While discussing the importance of innovation and research skills, Mr Rajan said: “Never give up, success point starts from failures, start innovations, think differently”. Ms Rama specially stated that: “Microsoft handles projects in AI, ML, Data Sciences, Data Security and Augmented Reality projects that helps people living with disabilities”. She also motivated the students to participate in Microsoft internship programmes, coding hackathons and competitions. While talking about client expectations from developers, Mr Rose said that communication and analytical skills plays a vital role.

162 Members participated as per MS-Team Attendance Report. A feedback session followed by a rating was also done that had a score of 4.31 out of 5.00. The participants were awarded with eCertificates.

Dr Wilfred Blessing N.R, the coordinator of the event, introduced the guest speakers with their technical profile apart from their company profile, project experience, technologies expertise and awards received. He was responsible for planning and visualizing this brainstorming session. 

Ms Yasara Mohammed Ali Al Hinai, Advanced Diploma IT student, welcomed the student participants, guest speakers, and the faculty members. Diploma IT student Ms Amira Mohammed Al Maamari presented the vote of thanks.

The Head of IT department, Dr Amal Bait Said Al-Abri, HoS Ms Fatima Said Al Shamli, DC Members, coordinator, and lecturers also participated in the brainstorming session. 


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Monday, 11 April 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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