Successful Scientific Writing

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The Staff Development Committee and the Research and Consultancy Committee of IT Department-UTAS Ibri has organized a presentation entitled, “Successful Scientific Writing for Multidisciplinary Science in a Review Article:  The Roles and Impacts of Machine Learning in Telemedicine Services – A Case Study” in 11th October, 2022(Tuesday) at 12PM.  The program speaker was Dr Omar Huseein Salman Al-Guboori, IT Lecturer, UTAS-Ibri. 

Before the start, Mr William, the Staff Development Committee Coordinator introduced the speaker and welcomed all the participants.  Dr Omar started his presentation by presenting his objectives e.g, where is the high impact factor research on the map; what is the role of review analysis in high impact factor research; the procedures for the review; impacts of doing review and how can a PhD or Master’s students review articles.  He was very delighted to share both his research profile and about his latest article which he believes it is very timely and useful specially to research enthusiasts. Following to his research profile, the speaker stressed out the fundamental steps in research.  It starts with a problem and knowing its solution, define keywords which is related to your article, search keywords in search database engine, taxonomy, challenges, research methodology until it reaches to a solution.  As a summary, the review has 2 directions: existing work and the multidisciplinary.

After Dr Omar presented the systematic review process, he discussed the article on the roles and impacts of machine learning in telemedicine services which they have published.   

What made the presentation more relatable to his audience is his approach – he delivered it in an experiential way which means he has shared the difficulties they have faced as researchers, the number of times they were rejected until they have successfully published the article.

There were around 28 participants including 5 external audiences who attended the presentation.  As a result, a feedback result of 4.2 was attained by the presenter from the stakeholders on a scale of 1-5.  This implies that the presentation is worthy and the audience were satisfied.

Read 93 times
Sunday, 23 October 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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