Smart tricks to memorize mathematical concepts and formulas

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The Information Technology Department through its IT Society Committee organized an onsite training program for students in 18th October 2022, entitled, “Smart Tricks to Memorize Mathematical Concepts and Formulas”. The said program was delivered by Ms. Saba Hasan, a Math lecturer from the IT Department.

The speaker started the session by motivating the student community to take interest in mathematics. She presented the main objective of the session which was to excel in Mathematical formulas. Furthermore, the speaker explained some tricks on how to memorize formulas for Algebraic Identities, Trigonometric Ratios, Reciprocal and Quotient Trigonometric Identities, Pythagorean Trigonometric Identities, Derivatives and Integration. During the session, the students learned more than 40 formulas with the help of smart tricks. The presenter gave a follow-up activity to check the understanding of the students after the training. The outcome was great as the students were able to memorize the formulas and were confident to use the taught tricks.

To close, the presenter asked for queries from the students and at the end of the session, feedback was collected from the participants on a scale of 5, the result of the feedback was 4.975

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Wednesday, 26 October 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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