A visit to Data Center of Muscat International Airport

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As part of the establishment of a relationship with the industry, the Information Technology Department of UTAS-Ibri has visited the Data Center of Muscat International Airport on 27th October 2022. The visit was organized by the Public Relation and Marketing Committee headed by Mr Abdullah Mubarak Mussabah Al Shukeily, Lecturer, IT Department.

Mr Sadiq Al Alawi, Sales Manager of Oman, and Yemen Cisco Systems Inc, received the team consists of twelve (12) students along with a supervisor Mr Junath Naseer Ahamed and gave us presentation on topics such as network cables, server, end-users and discussed about the five best security technology solutions such as Firewall, Intrusion prevention system (IPS), Anti-virus, Email security and Web security. Later, Mr Sadiq explained the importance of CAT – 6 cable, UTP, Fiber optic cable and its types of single and multimode communication channels and insight about DMZ (Dematerialized Zone). Mr Saleh Hassan Saleh Batooq, Head of Network Systems, Data Center Muscat International Airport greeted the gathering with gratitude and gave us presentation on topics such as types of topologies, router, switches, Intrusion Detection System, SNMP, and Multi-layer access switches. Later, Mr Saleh explained about the operation of the NOC Team, which is Network Operating Centre Team, who works round the clock 24/7 on the maintenance service of Data center support, the team consists of Network Engineers who monitors the data center without getting into trouble, apart from that there is monitoring systems to produce alerts in case of any emergencies or failure occurs. The ICT Network Infrastructure and Data center Engineers Mr Ashraf Al Hinai and Mr Ahamed Al Balushi along with Mr Saleh Hassan Saleh Batooq (Head of Network Systems), Mr Sadiq Al Alawi (Cisco Sales Manager) and Mr Yousuf Al Sandi (Network Engineer) the team of staff from Muscat International Airport took us around the data center and explained the physical devices, components, storage racks. During the physical tour they emphasized the importance of up time and down time of data center. At the end of the session a short verbal quiz was conducted to the students, were everyone responded with correct answer.

Importance of the Industrial Visit:

Industrial visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of teaching. The main reason behind this industrial visit was to let UTAS Ibri students know things practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. Moreover, it gives exposure from academic point of view. Main aim of industrial visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment. It provides students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices.

Importance of Data center:

Modern life relies on the functioning and availability of data centers. Data centers run every aspect of human activity; from energy, lighting, telecommunications, internet, transport, urban traffic, banks, security systems, public health, and entertainment even how our personal data is collected and stored is ultimately controlled by data centers. The welfare and security of billions of human beings is reliant on data centers and the supervision of data and information is therefore, of vital importance.

Read 134 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 November 2022 10:06
Thursday, 10 November 2022 00:00 Written by  Mr. Junath Naseer Ahamed In IT
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