IT Department’s Student Project Orientation and Proposal Drafting

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The Information Technology Department has conducted its Student Project Orientation and Proposal Drafting Program held last 15 June, 2017 at 9AM to 11AM in the VIP Room. Students who will be registering Course Project for Semester 1, 2017-2018 had attended the said session.

The objectives of the orientation were to create awareness about the new college policy on Student Projects and to prepare the students in writing their proposals for the forthcoming semester.

In the said session, the newly approved college policy, the complete Course Project process flow, and the different types of projects supported by the IT Department were presented. IT supports 3 types of projects, namely, TRC-aligned projects, Company-based projects and Collaborative projects.

Furthermore, students were informed about the criteria for acceptance to TRC-Faculty-mentored Undergraduate Research Award Programme (FURAP). It was given highlighted that projects should be relevant to Oman’s Socioeconomic Development, with emphasis on the intellectual merits or creative concept of the project and the quality of proposal submitted. Once accepted by the FURAP committee, the students’ research team will receive financial support until the completion of the project.

The students were also introduced to the project opportunities created by the IT department in collaboration with Ibri Regional Hospital and Al Araqi Travels. In addition, the department is also encouraging students to engage in collaborative projects, where they can work with students from other specializations as well as with students doing course projects from the other academic departments in the college.

Additionally, plagiarism, attendance, and warning letters were discussed, along with the semester-wise awarding of Best Projects for Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Bachelor levels, as IT Department’s efforts to motivate the students to improve the quality of their project ideas.

Khuzaina Said Ali AL-Alawi, an IT student and member of the Student Council, also shared some motivating words to encourage the students to explore collaborative projects with Business and Engineering students.

After the presentation, the students were asked to register themselves in the common Course Project moodle page, where they can keep track of activities, important announcements and due dates.

The session ended with a reminder to the students to complete the Research Team formation and Proposal submission before the end of this semester. The orientation was conducted by Ms. Roselle, IT Department’s Course Project Coordinator, with the support of Ms. Fatma Al Shmali and Ms. Samia Al Yaqoobi for the iTech Club. Mr. William Ancheta, IT-HoS, attended the entire session to show support to the students. There were 22 participants from Diploma, Advanced Diploma (Internet & E-Security and Software Engineering), and Bachelor-Software Engineering students.

Read 1951 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 October 2017 04:02
Monday, 03 July 2017 00:00 Written by  Moza Al Balushi In IT
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