Induction program for Newly joined Staff Members

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The information Technology Department was happy to receive four of the newly recruited staff for the AY 2017-18 at the beginning of the semester. The Quality Assurance Committee along with the Department Council organized the new staff induction program on 28th September 2017 at 08:00 A.M in Lab 2.

The new staff who joined the IT department where

  1. Dr. Shanmugapriya -Math Section
  2. Mr. Mangesh Wanjari -IT Section
  3. Ms. Sana Fathima -IT Section
  4. Ms. Deeba Khan -IT Section

After their self-introduction Mr. Safik Khan, Head of Department introduced the department council members (Dr. Pugalarasu, HoS Math and Mr. William Ancheta, HoS IT) to the new staff. The purpose of the induction was elaborated to the new staff. The induction program started with a detailed presentation by the department council members, which included

  • Vision, Mission, Values and Graduate Attributes.
  • Brief History of the College
  • IT Department organizational structure, statistics. 
  • IT Curriculum 
  • Resources
  • Teaching Methods(SCL) 
  • Duties of a Lecturer, Course Coordinator and Course Moderator 
  • An Overview of College Strategic Plan and Department Operational Plan 
  • Glimpses of Policies
  • General Etiquette
  • Quality Assurance and QA Audit awareness

After a detailed presentation the new staff shared their experience of joining the department and their feel of work culture. The new staff were introduced to Mr. Younus Al Zaabi, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Ms. Nawal Al Sawafi, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. After a brief chat with the Assistant Deans the new staff where taken to a guided tour explaining various facilities available around the college. Online feedback was collected on their satisfaction with the induction program. The new staff induction program concluded at 09:50 A.M.


Staff Satisfaction level:

Read 986 times Last modified on Monday, 09 October 2017 05:54
Sunday, 08 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Mangesh Wanjari In IT Tags
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