Hands on Training on Turnitin Software

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The Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology Department conducted a workshop on “Hands on Training on Turnitin Software" in Lab 2 on 19 October, 2017 between 2:00 – 2:45 PM. Dr. Antony Kishore, Lecturer, Math Section, IT department, was the resource person.

Dr. Antony gave an introduction about Turnitin software and its inclusion in Moodle. He emphasized the new activity created in Moodle “Turnitin Assignment 2”. He demonstrated and gave a hands-on demonstration on how to create Turnitin assignments in Moodle and how to get plagiarism reports of submissions. He showed all options available and how to use them effectively so that the quality of assignments can be improved, and how to easily identify copy cases of assignments by students. He also explained the different components of the plagiarism report.

Finally, feedback about the attainment of objectives of the workshop and relevance was collected from attendees online. It was found that most of them were highly satisfied. The majority of them wished they will attend many such talks in future. The average feedback score was 4.49 on a scale of 5.

Read 588 times Last modified on Tuesday, 14 November 2017 06:57
Thursday, 26 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Dr. Antony Kishore In IT
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