Oman Mathematics Day Quiz Contest

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On the occasion of celebrating Oman Mathematics Day III, the Mathematics section of the Information Technology Department organized an event, Monthly Math Quiz “ Solve and Win”, for all the students of our college in the month of November 2017.

The purpose of the competition was to celebrate Oman Mathematics Day with the active participation of the students of our college. The quiz was designed to enable our students to become professionally competent and to improve their aptitude skills. Students from different departments of our college eagerly and actively participated in the competition.

Ms. Fatma Al Matrafi of the IT department won the first prize in the Math Quiz contest; Ms. Huda Al Wahshi of the Engineering department won the second prize; and Ms. Shaika Hamed Al Ghafri of the Business department won the third prize. Mr. Safik Khan, HoD-IT, awarded the prizes and appreciated the students for their talents and interest in the field of mathematics.

Read 644 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 09:12
Thursday, 07 December 2017 00:00 Written by  Dr. G. Shanmugarathinam In IT Tags
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