First IT Seminar

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Staff Development Committee of the IT department organised the first irst of its planned IT seminar series for the coming session in coordination with the IT department Ibri College of Applied Sciences on 12 June 2018 from 11am to 12.35pm in LAB-2. The main idea of the series of seminars is to share the knowledge of practicing researchers among the faculty members and foster their research quotient to actively participate in collaborative research activities with IbriCAS. IT seminars will be conducted every two months either in IBRICT or in IbriCAS.

Initially the department invited seminar proposals from both the colleges. After reviewing the proposals on relevance and impact, three proposals were finalised, two from IbriCAS and one from IBRICT.  

The workshop started with a formal welcome and opening remarks by Dr Duhai, HOD, IT. He appreciated the responses of faculty members to the call for proposals. He also shared the idea of IT seminars and handed over to Dr Hemalatha Gunasekaran, Lecturer, Ibri College of Applied Sciences.

Dr Hemalatha’s topic was ‘Hadoop for Big Data’. She started by discussing what Big Data is and why new programming paradigms are needed to handle it. Then she introduced one such framework, Hadoop, which is popular for various reasons amongst the Big Data researchers. She gave a very good perspective of Hadoop and HDFS. She highlighted many inbuilt functionalities and parallelisation related decision-making of Hadoop which makes a life of programmer much easier. The topic received a very good response from the audience.

The next topic was ‘Understanding Wi-Fi Security Vulnerabilities using InSSIDer Tools and Strong Wireless Authentication’ presented by Mr Isabelo Jun D. Paat of IBRICT. He discussed the basics of wireless communication with typical parameters to build the tempo for discussions on InSSIDer tool functionalities. He demonstrated the real time values for various parameters on wireless routers and made audience understand the meaning of these values. He specifically discussed different parameters which interfere with wireless signals and what we can do to overcome them, thereby increasing overall throughput of the network. The practical demonstration kept audiences interested in the topic throughout, which broadened their understanding.

The third topic was ‘Large-Scale Graph Processing Algorithms on the GPU’, presented by Dr Munesh Singh Chauhan from IbriCAS. Dr Munesh is a prolific researcher who extensively works on GPU based systems, parallel programming and algorithms. He discussed the nature of graphs in social networks, bioinformatics areas and their huge scales. These graphs need special hardware and programming skills to address their inherent complexities. He discussed what the GPU is and how to explore the GPU’s specialties through programming. He gave examples of graphs and introduced many challenges which needs to be taken care of when working with these graphs. He also discussed some open problems in this area which can be taken up as a challenge.  

In all, 32 faculty members attended the seminar and appreciated the topics. Everyone was happy to be part of it and expect many more learning sessions in future. Overall feedback from the audience was 4.05 on a scale of 5.

In the end, Dr Duhai thanked all the speakers and appreciated their efforts. In all it was a great experience and a nice beginning towards achieving research goals.

Read 427 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 July 2018 07:22
Thursday, 14 June 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr Mangesh Wanjari In IT Tags
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