Seminar on Exposure on Graph labelling

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The Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology department organised a Seminar on Exposure on Graph Labelling by Dr N Shanmugpriya, Lecturer, Mathematics, Information Technology Department, IBRICT on 15 May 2018 from 12:00 to 1:00pm in Lab 1 of the Department of Information Technology.

Dr Shanmugpriya started with introduction to graceful labelling. She first discussed the famous Alexander Rosa, 1967 paper on graph labelling and his graceful tree conjecture to tune the audience to the actual problem. Then she discussed various research contributions to prove graceful tree conjecture in different types of graphs. She explained some proofs with actual examples.

The seminar saw a very fruitful and constructive discussion in the end among the audience. Around 15 faculty members from Maths and IT attended the Seminar.

In the end Dr N Shanmugpriya was appreciated for her volunteering efforts to conduct the seminar. 

In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the seminar. Majority of them showed satisfaction on the arrangements done. On the scale of five, average feedback is four.

Read 491 times
Sunday, 27 May 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr. Mangesh Wanjari In IT
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