Expert Talk on IoT by mOmkin

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On October 2nd, 2018 (Tuesday), the Industry Link Committee (IC) on behalf of the IT Department, Ibri College of Technology (IbriCT) had conducted a seminar on Internet of Things

(IoT). The seminar commenced at 12:15 pm in the VIP hall with the event host and IC Coordinator – Mr. Brian, who introduced the speaker Mr. D.V. Jaiprakash, Senior Presales Specialist – IOT mOmkin. 

After the welcome address, Mr. Jaiprakash commenced his discussion by introducing IoT. He gave an overview on what is IoT, following which a detailed discussion was done on the technologies used in IoT. Mr. Jaiprakash explained the various applications of IoT and related many day-to-day activities that makes use of IoT technologies. Few areas that was highlighted were – Medical, Engineering, Home Applications, Management Units (Waste Management) etc. Mr. Jaiprakash mentioned the use of Sigfox for IoT applications. He mentioned that mOmkin provides organizations a portal facility or Application Programming Interface (API) to support an IoT infrastructure that can be used for students and faculty as well. 

Faculty members had the opportunity to ask several queries related to the implementation IoT by mOmkin. Mr. Jaiprakash gave a demonstration of their product that makes use of the technology i.e. He mentioned that data can be reviewed live and analysis of this data can be done. Moreover, the management of products (or facilities) can be done within the portal itself just by making use of relevant interconnected sensors. He discussed the benefits of the technology and various opportunities it can provide especially in Smart Cities.

Towards the end of the discussion, Mr. Brian thanked the speaker for his talk and how beneficial it was to the faculty and students. He thanked the audience for participating and also Dr. Duhai Alshukaili, HoD-IT for providing a foundation for this seminar. The HoD was called to present a certificate to the speaker. Faculty members from various department were present for this seminar. In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the seminar. The majority showed their satisfaction on the arrangements done. On the scale of 5, average feedback was 4.03.


Read 412 times Last modified on Monday, 08 October 2018 10:04
Monday, 08 October 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr. Brian Gee Chacko In IT
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