Cartesian Product of Graphs - A New approach

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The research committee of the Information Technology Department conducted a seminar on “Cartesian Product of Graphs - A New approach” for mathematics lecturers on 31 January 2019 from 8:30 to 9:30 in Lecture Hall A133. The seminar was presented by Dr Sanal Kumar, lecturer in Mathematics, Information Technology Department. He started the seminar with basic elementary tools available for the operations of graphs and explained the new operations, which he found in his research. He continued and presented analogue mapping of the Cartesian Product of two sub intervals of the real line in a two-dimensional space and the Cartesian product of two graphs. This seminar provided a basic idea to innovate a new research area for the staff interested in pursuing research. 

The participants appreciated the seminar, which is evident from their average feedback 4.5 on the scale of 5.0 and expressed their interest to have more of such seminars in the future.


Read 234 times Last modified on Monday, 18 February 2019 05:46
Monday, 18 February 2019 00:00 Written by  Ms Fatma Mohammed Khalfan Al Mandhari In IT Tags
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