1st Interdepartmental Computer Hardware Troubleshooting Competition

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The Information Technology Department conducted its 1st Interdepartmental Computer Hardware Troubleshooting Competition on 25 June 2019 at 12noon in the Hardware Lab. Eighteen students registered online and 15 joined the competition.

The objectives of the competition were to provide avenues for students to improve their technical skills in troubleshooting, to establish a life-long learning through acquisition and application of technological knowledge and to enhance their participation and partnership relations within and beyond the Colleges of Technology. 

The competition started with the welcome address from Dr Duhai Al Shukeili, HoD and an inspirational message delivered by Mr Abdullah Al Shukaili, head of the Education Technology Centre. After the opening part, Mr Wilson (member of the organising team), read the mechanics of the competition and introduced the members of assessors. The closing ceremony was attended by members of the Administrative staff headed by our college dean, Dr Hamdan Al Manthari and the assistant dean for administrative and financial affairs, Mr Rashid Al Hinai. The dean awarded prizes for the winners as follows:

  1. First Prize:  Ahmed Marhoon Al Yaqoobi (76J17153)
  2. Second Prize:  Khalid Saleh Al Jabri (76S16510)
  3. Third Prize:  Ali Salim Al Shouhumi (71S1751)

The assessors were the following:  Dr Qais, Ms Nasim, Mr Ferdinand and Mr Eugene, while the organizing team was composed of Dr Duhai, HoD, Mr William, HoS-IT, Mr Wilson Alexander  and Mr Isabelo Paat.

After the competition, refreshments were served, and survey feedback was distributed to students. As a result, most of the students agreed that the contest has improved their technical skills in troubleshooting (4.1 mean score), that the contest helped them to establish life-long learning through acquisition and application of technological knowledge (4.1 mean score), and the contest has enhanced their participation and partnership within the Information Technology Department and the college (4.0 mean score). 


Read 405 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 June 2019 10:24
Thursday, 27 June 2019 00:00 Written by  Ms Samya Salim Ruziq Al Yaqoobi In IT
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