Microsoft Team Features

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1. Summary of the meeting:

The Staff Development Committee organised a webinar on Microsoft Teams features. Dr Monther demonstrated some of the new Microsoft Teams features that help lecturers to control classes, manage meetings, and protect students’ privacy. He further demonstrated the following features:

a. How to spotlight an attendee

b. Pinning a student

c. Eliminate any background sound during the meeting

d. Changing the background to a custom design

e. Activate the caption during the meeting to show the students the text of the lecture

f. Transfer meetings from one device to another

g. How to split a class into groups and switch between groups using breakout rooms

h. How to benefit from the tools provided in the chat box such as format message, paste code in any language, add a question and see the student answer

i. How to add an application into MS Teams, such as Insight which generates a report about student participation during all meetings, their attendance, and activities in the class for a selected period. In addition, code application to write code in any language can be added, as well as forms to prepare quizzes for students.

j. Control status on MS Teams to receive messages and call at a specific time.

k. Channel management: create, delete, hide and unhide channels


2. Feedback

The workshop duration was about two hours and was attended by 69 staff members from UTAS Ibri. They expressed their appreciation on this webinar and that they came to know more about MS Teams. Many of them have requested for more such webinars.


3. Screen Shot of the meeting

Read 351 times Last modified on Thursday, 31 December 2020 09:55
Thursday, 31 December 2020 00:00 Written by  Mangesh R. Wanjari In IT
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