Teaching Quality and professionalism

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The Staff Development Committee organised a webinar on Teaching Quality and Professionalism.  Mr Wasim Raja started the session with a welcoming message and conducted a short activity for discussions and knowledge sharing. He then discussed the key elements of teaching quality in detail, along with defining ‘Teaching Quality Beyond the Certificate/Degree’. The OAAA HEIs’ standards (requirements) for teaching quality were also explained, along with the practices of UTAS to meet the standards.

In the end, Mr Wasim thanked all the participants for their presence and participation in the discussions and knowledge sharing. Mr Wasim appreciated efforts made by the staff development and media committees to arrange the sessions. 


The workshop lasted for about one hour and attended by 35 staff members. They expressed their appreciation on this webinar and wished to attend more such webinars on the topic.  The average rating for the webinar is 85%.


Read 260 times Last modified on Monday, 08 February 2021 08:38
Monday, 08 February 2021 00:00 Written by  Dr Monther Ali Muslem Tarawneh In IT
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