Mining Technologies Forum Preparatory Meeting

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Ibri College of Technology held a preparatory meeting with a number of the mining sector companies on March 16, 2017. The goal of the meeting was to involve companies working in the mining sector in the preparation of the “Mining Technologies Forum” the college is planning to hold in May 10 & 11, 2017 in collaboration with the Oman Chamber of Commerce – Al Dahira branch. The meeting had different activities starting with a welcome note by the Dean of the College – Dr. Said Kashoob. This was followed by a presentation on, “The Role of Advanced Technology in Mining & Quarrying Development” given by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs - Mr. Younus Al Za’abi. After the presentation, the companies’ representatives participated in an open discussion during which they asked questions and exchanged opinions on the upcoming forum in which they are required to participate with paper presentations, round table discussions and the exhibition. After this interactive session, the guests got a chance to have a tour around the college to see some of its facilities and labs. The meeting was concluded with lunch at around 12:00 and words of gratitude by the Dean thanking the companies for their participation and support.

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Wednesday, 22 March 2017 00:00 Written by  Younis Al Zaabi In Student Affairs Tags
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