IbriCT 47th National Day Celebration

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On 21 November 2017, Ibri College of Technology organized its annual celebration on the occasion of “National Day” on the college campus. The ceremony started at 9.45 by launching an inside campus marching that involved the chief guest of the ceremony, the dignitary guests, college administration and teaching staff in addition to some students.

After the marching, the chief guest of the celebration opened the accompanying exhibition that focused on projects conducted by Omani young people. The English Language Centre also invited the chief guest of the ceremony, the dignitary’s guests and college dean and assistant dean to the Centre’s celebration and showed a video clip for some of the lecturers from ELC congratulating the Sultanate and H.M. Sultan Qaboos with the occasion of the National Day using their mother tongue to do so. They also looked at the traditional handicraft stuff exhibition organized by Students’ Activities Committees. Then, they enjoyed some Omani Halwa and drank Omani coffee in addition to some Omani traditional food. The celebration also included some other activities from ten o’clock to eleven where these activities were organized in the college garden. The activities were varied between reciting some poems, sketches and traditional Omani dance done by male students.

Read 7416 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:05
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 00:00 Written by  In Student Affairs

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