Visit of DGTE, Dr Abdulhakim Al-Ismaili, Experts, Officials from the Ministry of Manpower and the Performance Enhancement Team

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The Director General of Technological Education, Dr. Abdulhakim Al-Ismaili, the Performance Enhancement Team (PET) at the Ministry of Manpower, Dr Ali Saud Al-Mughairi, Assistant Director General for Technological Education, Dr Shakir Al-Musili, Engineering Expert in Technical Education, members from Quality Department (QD), and other official from Ministry of Manpower, visited Ibri College of Technology on Wednesday 11 September 2019 from 9:00 to 4:00 pm.

This meeting was attended by Dr Hadman Al-Manthari, the College Dean, Mr. Rashid Al-Hinai, the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Ms. Nawal Al-Sawafi, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Heads of all D/C at IbriCT and QAD.

The purpose of the meeting was to view the on-going progress of Quality Assurance Department in preparation for OAAA audit due in June 2020. This visit also included other areas like progress of ELC new building and opening of B. Tech program for Mechanical Engineering. The meeting for QAD lasted for 3 hours (9-12:00 noon). The QAD presented the progress made so far and also the work accomplished during the summer semester and summer holidays. This included discussion on QAD annual plan, outcomes of staff contribution during summer semester, ISAA Gala and inauguration of QAD shop, mechanisms of monitoring the progress of ISAA and other processes. This was followed by discussion of the awareness materials developed at college and the awareness plan for all stakeholders in the year 2019-2020. QAD presented the SharePoint updated records and also presented the newly developed College Documents System (CDS). Head QAD explained the need analysis of this system and its benefits in writing ISAA version 0.5. The Ministry staff watched a video created by QAD about the college preparation for OAAA audit visit and accreditation. QAD officers Dr Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari and Head QAD Ms Heba Qureshi entertained the queries raised by the DGTE, Technical experts, PET and QD. The queries and discussion took the longer part of the meeting. Dr. Abdulhakim Al-Ismaili praised IbriCT QAD team for achieving a lot of objectives in a very short time. He appreciated the efforts of QAD and mentioned that these efforts can be shared with other CoTs as best practices. He thanked and acknowledged the college dean and management in enhancing a culture of Quality at college. He emphasised to continue the same. Dr Abdulhakim and the Ministry of Manpower staff highlighted the importance of increasing staff and student engagement and awareness with QA. The team gave some suggestions that may help in further improving the progress of the college. QAD noted all the points very carefully for endorsement.  QAD showed the QA annual plan for the academic year 2019-2020 which involves all activities that will be conducted throughout the academic year. The dignitaries visited the QAD shop and collected the QAD products. QAD officers Ms Basma Al-Alawi, Dr Mastan, Dr Ansar explained the products at QAD shop including brochures, leaflets, banners and posters. The dean Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari thanked the encouraging words of the DGTE and other members among the visiting team. He ensured that QAD is on its way towards progress and will be continuing the same with the help and guidance of college management and also PET.

The next activity in the agenda was visiting the mechanical engineering labs and checking the preparation of the Engineering Department to commence a new bachelor degree programme in Mechanical Engineering. Head of Engineering Department, Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi presented effectively, the readiness of Engineering Department in terms of B.Tech program of Mechanical Engineering.  This included ensuring all resources and facilities required for this course are available at the labs. Mr. Nasser conferred that IbriCT is prepared to start the new programme in the first semester of the A.Y. 2019-2020. So far 29 students have already joined the bachelor programme in September 2019. The need to purchase new equipment for the Engineering Department was also discussed. 

The third agenda was to visit the new ELC building and analyse the progress. The College management showed the progress made and highlighted the importance of coordinating with the Ministry team to provide furniture for the building. 

The visit also included individual meetings with some staff members at IbriCT.


Read 497 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 September 2019 10:23
Sunday, 29 September 2019 00:00 Written by  Quality Assurance Department In Quality Assurance
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