ISAA Gala 3 Session 1

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With the successful completion of ISAA Gala 2 that consisted of four sessions in semester 1 of AY 2019-2020, the Quality Assurance Department (QAD) has started the first session of ISAA Gala 3 for semester II. The event, aimed at raising awareness of staff and students on the ongoing accreditation process of GFP and QA updates, was held at the Multipurpose Hall on 28 January 2020.

Dr. Abdulsalam Al Manthari, QAD officer and anchor, welcomed the attendees and enumerated the following session highlights:

  • General Foundation Programme (GFP) Quality Audit 2020 orientation
  • Awarding of certificates to students who participated in the ISAA Gala 2 Sessions 3 and 4
  • Updates from the QAD 
  • Discussion among the staff and management on the feedback received in previous ISAA Galas

Dr. Hamdan Al Manthari, College Dean and QAD Chair, reminded the staff to understand the essence of quality assurance. He emphasized that quality is not merely the work per se but embedded in everyone’s daily work.

Dr. Sultan Al Ghafri, ELC Head of Section for English Language Programme (ELP), oriented the attendees about the importance of the GFP Audit this year, its process and its impact on the College.

For actively participating in the QA short drama presentation on policies related to students in the ISAA Gala 2 Session 3 held on 26 November 2019, the Dean awarded the certificates to the following student participants:

Moderation Policy

  • Alaya Said Rashid Al Azizi
  • Kothar Khalifa Salim Mohammed Al Ghafri
  • Aryam Ali Al Mamari

Student Grievance Policy

  • Noor Badar Salim Al Gharibi
  • Carmel Ghani
  • Bader Said Masoud Mohammed Al Azizi

Academic Integrity Policy

  • Abdullah Ali Salim Al Abri 
  • Mohammed Nasser Salim Al Blooshi
  • Omaima Hafedh Mohammed Al Shaiban


Meanwhile, another group of student participants (listed below) were recognized for their active participation in the ISAA Gala 2 Session 4 which was held on 23 December 2019. 

  • Miaad Saif Mohammed Ali Al Farsi (IT student)
  • Noor Bader Salim Abdullah Al Gharibi (Business student)
  • Althuraiya Rashid Said Al Maqbali (Engineering student)


Ms. Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, updated the team about the important information they must know regarding the following:

  • Staff Performance Management System (SPMS)
  • Strategic Objective Map
  • SP Cycles 
  • College Document System (CDS)
  • Operational Plans

The aim of QAD updates was to orient the staff about their expected role related to the information provided. The last activity of the event was staff and management discussion on the questions/comments raised in the previous ISAA Galas. 

Participants were involved in this session enthusiastically and the college management answered the queries effectively. Another fruitful session would be arranged to discuss recurring questions/comments with GFP and non-academic staff.

Read 1468 times Last modified on Thursday, 20 February 2020 06:59
Wednesday, 05 February 2020 00:00 Written by  Quality Assurance Department In Quality Assurance
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