Quality Department Team Visit

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The Quality Department (QD) from the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) paid a three-day visit to Ibri College of Technology from 11 to 13 February 2020. The purpose of the visit was to discuss theQD feedback on Institutional Standards Assessment Application (ISAA) version 4.0,observe if the Operational Teams have incorporated their feedback and answer queries, if any, for clarification.The QD team who visited the college included:

  1. Mr Younis Ali Al Balushi
  2. Dr Nida Mallare
  3. Dr Bennet Ebenzer
  4. Mr Waseem Hashim

The three-day schedule was arranged as per the respective standards.

On Day 1, 11 February 2020, the first session was conducted in the Dean’s meeting room to welcome the visitors and update them about the progress of each standard. The Chairs of the standards attended this meeting and presented the ongoing progress of their respective standards to the QD team. Then they were escorted to the VIP room. Every standard had a session of two and a half hours with the QD team. 

Day-1: Standards 1, 5 and 9

Day-2: Standards 8, 6 and 4

Day-3: Standards 7 and 2

At the beginning of every session, the Dean introduced the QD team to the Operational Team members. In general, he briefed about the objective of the session and emphasizedon the session’svalue for improving the upcoming version of ISAAv5.0. He requested the members of Operational Teams to seek any clarification if required.

The Operational Team members and the QD team discussed general comments on ISAA version 4 and the specific comments on each criterion. The use of ADRI and the write-up flow was examined during discussions. The QD team entertained all queries of the Operational Team members comprehensively.

The QD team appreciated the considerable college progress in enriching the ISAA and discussed the next steps that could be taken. 

On Day-3 at 3:00PM all sessions were completed successfully. The Dean extended his thanks to the QD team for their valuable and continuous guidance. The QD team members appreciated the cooperative and active participation of the Operational Teams and the hospitality of IbriCT management. They added that they would be glad to provide additional assistance such as providing supporting materials or further clarification.

The Dean concluded the sessions by thanking the unlimited support, guidance and cooperation of the Directorate General of Technical Education (DGTE), Dr Abdulhakim Al Ismaili, Asssistant DGTE,Dr Ali AlMugheri, Experts and Performance Enhancement Team (PET) on Quality Assurance in particular and other processes in general.This support has resulted in a positive impact and added value to the ongoing progress of the college performance.

Read 1221 times Last modified on Thursday, 20 February 2020 06:59
Tuesday, 18 February 2020 00:00 Written by  Quality Assurance department In Quality Assurance
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