Monday, 05 February 2018 00:00 In Business Studies Tags

On 29 January 2018, IbriCT OJT Committee in collaboration with Entrepreneurship Committee of Department of Business Studies organised a presentation on ‘Edlal’ – the first Omani open e-learning platform launched by Omantel. The presentation was held at the Lecture Theater of IbriCT.

Edlal is a knowledge-based platform that aims to contribute in preparing young Omanis to join the workforce by equipping them with the required skills and knowledge for the market. It also plays a dynamic role in enhancing the Arabic language content on the Internet with timely and reliable information.

Thursday, 25 January 2018 00:00 In ETC Tags

On 18 January 2018 the Educational Technology Centre/ Educational Services Section conducted a workshop, Principles of Design, at in the Laboratory 1 Main Building.

Mr. Ryan Reales, web designer of the ETC/ESS, was the speaker for the ETC staff development.

The workshop aimed to promote awareness of graphic design, digital workflow, elements of design and principles. It gave a basic concept of what graphic design principles are all about.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017 00:00 In Student Affairs Tags

On 21 November 2017, Ibri College of Technology organized its annual celebration on the occasion of “National Day” on the college campus. The ceremony started at 9.45 by launching an inside campus marching that involved the chief guest of the ceremony, the dignitary guests, college administration and teaching staff in addition to some students.