A two-day “Workshop on 4G Network Essentials” was conducted on 12 and 19 March 2019, 12 noon to 2pm, in the Telecommunications Lab (B108) for Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering students in all levels.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

A batch of 19 Second Semester B-Tech second semester Electrical Power students and one faculty coordinator visited the Manah Generating power station, situated near Nizwa, on 20 February 2019.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering
Sunday, 31 March 2019 00:00 Written by in TestETC

 The Staff development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a programme on fatigue and impact analysis using ANSYS on 21 March 2019 from 1.30 to 2.30pm.

Dr V Sivananth, lecturer, Mechanical Section, Engineering Department, delivered a presentation on ANSYS. He started his presentation with an overall introduction about ANSYS. His presentation focused mainly on ANSYS Workbench. He also explained about the application of this package in thermal as well as in structural field. 

In order to clarify the application of ANSYS in various areas, a real time practical application was discussed. A detail explanation was given on impact and fatigue analysis using ANSYS. In addition to that, the effect of change in material on a component is also elaborated.

The programme was well received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.


Thursday, 28 March 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering


The Research and Consultancy Committee of the Information Technology Department, with collaboration with Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, organised a seminar on “Writing a Research Paper.” by Nasim Al Balushi, IT lecturer, on 12 March 2019 from 12:00 to 13:00 in Lab A112 for the students. At the start, the speaker explained the importance of doing a research paper and how the students can translate their ideas and projects into academic paper.

Then, she discussed in detail the structure for the research paper by showing a sample of a research paper. She mentioned the points that researcher/writer must follow once they want to do research paper.


Thursday, 28 March 2019 00:00 Written by in IT

The Risk Management Committee of the Department of Business Studies conducted an awareness Program on Risk Management for all its staff members on 18th October 2018, from 2 pm to 2:45 pm in Room No: 016A. The program objective was to create awareness among the staff on Risk Management.

Mr. Enthiyaz khan, the coordinator of the Risk Management Committee, gave a presentation in this regard. In his presentation, he gave clear understanding of the meaning of risk management, and the objectives of Risk Management at IBRICT.

He also explained the procedures to handle risks, such as Risk identification, Risk analysis, Risk Evaluation, Risk mitigation and Risk monitoring.

While explaining Risk identification, he explained different types of risks such as Strategic, Operational, Financial, Complain and Reputation risks along with their definitions and examples.

In the last part of his presentation, he showed the sample of risk register maintained at the department and explained how to record the identified risks in risk register. He also explained to the members present, on how the risks are measured and how they are prioritized to be attended.

It was an interactive session, which enhanced the knowledge of audiences on various aspects of Risk Management.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies


The Health and safety Committee – Department of Business Studies conducted a presentation on “Use of Fire extinguishers and Fire safety” on 9th and 10th of December 2018 in different classes for different levels of students. More than 60 students actively participated in presentation.   

Mr. Enthiyaz Khan, the Coordinator gave the presentation wherein he spoke at length on Fire Triangle, Fire extinguishing basic principles, Classification of Fire accidents, Types of Fire extinguishers and method of using fire extinguishers, rules of fighting fire, and first aid for fire injury.  The presentation was well organized which empowered the knowledge of students on fire safety.


Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

Students of the Department of Business Studies, represented the Ibri College of Technology at an intercollegiate competition “ICT INNOVATIA 2019” organized at Ibra College of Technology on 20th March 2019. 

Total 9 students participated in various events like Research Mind, Sketch a Story, Business Quiz and Business Talk. Our B-Tech student, of Accounting specialization, Asaad Said Khamis Al-Majrafi won the Second Prize in Business Talk competition.

At the end of the competition, all the participants were felicitated with the Certificate of participation. 



Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Department of Information Technology, through the iTech Club committee, successfully conducted the Fourth iTech Marathon Competition on 14 March 2019, under the theme “Industrial Revolution – IV”. The main aim of the event is to enhance the knowledge of Information Technology as well as Math skills amongst the students and to encourage the students to participate in technical competitions.

The registration for the events started at 8.30am and various colleges and university students actively participated in all the events. The inauguration ceremony was in the lecture theatre and was compered by the students Ms Miyaad Al Farsi and Ms Usra Al Hinai. The event commenced with the Holy Quran recitation at 9.30am, followed by a welcome message by Dr Duhai Al-Shukaili, HoD – IT Department, Ibri College of Technology. He briefed about the objectives and goals of the event and the theme of the Marathon. Later, the keynote speaker, Ms Asila Saif Al Zeidi, Research Specialist for Information and Communications Technologies Sector (The Research Council), spoke about the Industrial Revolutions (I, II, and III), their gaps and developments in general. She briefed about Industrial Revolution – IV, which includes areas such as Smart City, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and others, emphasising their impact on the society. The inauguration ended after announcing the general rules and guidelines, for all the competitions to the participants.

The competitions began at 10.30am in various areas such as programming, project demonstration, network design, database and Math presentations, which are conducted in parallel at various venues such as the Multipurpose Hall, VIP Room, Lecture Theatre, Hardware Laboratory, Network Laboratory and Computer Laboratories based on the Marathon theme. All the Technical colleges in Oman, Ibri College of Applied Sciences, as well as Suhar University, actively registered and participated in these competitions. 

The alumni were involved in these competitions as judges based on their specialisations, to encourage and motivate the student towards a lifelong learning process. The competitions concluded at 1.45pm. 

The valedictory session began at around 2.45pm. Dr Hamdan Mohammed Ali Al Manthari, college dean, addressed the gathering and thanked all the participants for their involvement in the events conducted. He also appreciated the staff and students of the Information Technology Department for successfully conducting the event on a grand scale. Dr Duhai Al Shukaili thanked all the staff and students for their cooperation and support in making the event successful. Later, Dr Hamdan Mohammed Ali Al Manthari distributed certificates to all the winners and participants. The alumni received certificates of appreciation for their committed contributions. The feedback result of 3.91 evidently shows that the participants were delighted to be a part of this event.


Tuesday, 26 March 2019 00:00 Written by in IT

The Business Studies Department, represented by Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, HRM lecturer, delivered a presentation on “My Study Experience” on Wednesday, 20 March 2019, at Fatima Bint Qais School, Ibri. The presentation was part of “My Study Experience” initiative driven by Salikon, community company, which aims at educating students on studying abroad. 

The speaker shared his experiences on different aspects, including financial management, time management, personal development, and the role of Omani society. The presentation was attended by more than 120 students from different secondary schools across the Al Dhahirah governorate. At the end of the presentation, there was an interactive session clarifying students’ doubts. 


Sunday, 24 March 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies