The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a programme on “Innovative Teaching Methods” on 31 January 2019 from 01.30 to 02.30pm.

Dr K. Elangovan, HoS, Mechanical Section, Engineering Department, conducted the programme.

The programme started with a brief explanation about the need for innovative teaching methods in the current student-centred education system. An introduction was given on different innovative techniques such as the flipped class room, design thinking, experimental learning, gamification and project-based learning. A detailed discussion was done on the advantages of flipped class room teaching over conventional teaching methods and about the challenges faced following this new technique.

Apart from this, another effective teaching approach called the design thinking method was also discussed in detail. Various stages such as empathise, define, ideate, prototype and testing in design thinking teaching technique were clarified with an appropriate example. Design thinking enable students to enhance their creativity to fine solution for human-centred problems. The programme ended with an activity in which ranking of the different teaching methodologies were collected from the participants and compared with student feedback on it.

This programme was well received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.


Monday, 11 February 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology is eager to inform interested parties about joint events, a one-day workshop “SORESA 2019” on renewable energy sources, and “Inaugural of IEEE Student Branch-Ibri College of Technology” of 29 January 2019 in the lecture theatre of the Engineering building. An exhibition of the Engineering Department’s student projects and the research projects modules was conducted in the multipurpose hall, after the inauguration by Dr Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Mandhari, college dean, accompanied by Mr Rashid Al Hinai, assistant dean for administration and financial affairs (ADAFA), Dr Ahmed Al Maashri, chairperson, IEEE Oman Section, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Mr Yahya Al Balushi, IEEE Student Branch Counsellor Middle East College, Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi, Head of the Engineering Department, HoS(s), Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajjid IEEE Student Branch Counsellor, concerned staff and students. The exhibition covered the areas of renewable energy, and the guests encouraged staff to participate in the upcoming workshops. After the exhibition, SORESA 2019 workshop started in the lecture theatre.

After the recitation of Holy Quran, the HoD, Engineering Department, addressed to the audience on the importance and need of renewable energy sources. He highlighted the advantages of renewable energy sources such as supplying of power over the long run and to reduce pollution. He mentioned that the main objective of the workshop SORESA 2019 is to spread an increased awareness on the utilisation of renewable energy sources and their potential. He also emphasised the IEEE and the participation of students of the Engineering Department in various activities organised by IEEE in the Military College, Sultan Qaboos University, and National University.

The second speaker/guest of the workshop was Dr Ahmed Al Maashri, who explained the worldwide activities being carried by IEEE as a non-profit society, benefits of being a member of the IEEE, the role of the IEEE in technological developments and in the service of society.

The scope of this one-day workshop was to bring together the experts of renewable energy in order to present the experiences on recent technologies to the students and staff members. As a part of the events, speakers of this workshop presented studies, observations, and results of the research work being carried by them, as follows:

• Dr G. Kumaravel, lecturer, Ibri College of Technology, given an oral presentation on “Emerging Trends in Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems”  

• Dr G. Sridhar Reddy and Mr Chandrasekhara B. L., lecturers, Ibri College of Technology, presented a solar project proposal on "Solar based Power back up Data Server System". 

• Mr Arthur Davis, lecturer, Ibri College of Technology, presented results of project/research work that has been done on “Performance Analysis of a 4S Petrol Engine at Various Blends of Ethanol Extracted from Waste Date Palm”.

• Mr Louis, BE, MS, CEO,  M/S Al Kiyumi Global Engineering and Construction LLC, gave a presentation on “Global Trends in Renewable Energy, Techno-Commercial Aspects”.

The above presentations were followed by the honouring of guests of the workshop Dr Ahmed Al Maashri, Mr Yahya Al Balushi and Mr Louis. This workshop and inauguration of the IEEE student branch were facilitated through the distribution of appreciation and participation certificates by ADAFA and HoD, Engineering. The close of this workshop was with a vote of thanks, given by the ADAFA, and with a hope that this is not an end, and  all will meet again in SORESA 2020.



The Health and Safety Committee of the Engineering Department organised a road safety awareness programme on 21 January 2019 from 11.00am to 11.30am in B112 and from 2pm to 2.30pm in B004 for the II Year Diploma students.  The speakers of the programme were Mr S. Manikandan and Dr Alfred Franklin and they explained the procedures and precautions to be taken while driving to create awareness on road safety and how to avoid road traffic accidents (RTA).

They presented the annual statistical report on the increasing rate of road accidents in Oman. Extraordinary speed and poor driving aptitudes are considered as the main causes of road accidents in Oman. Consistently, more than 900 individuals are killed, of which 86% are men. As passengers and drivers of cars make up 60% of the fatalities, tending to key hazard factors such as seat-belt and child limitations are crucial to developing a culture of road safety across the country. Moreover, he stressed the significance of speed control, wearing seatbelts and other relevant forces acting on vehicles with the help of slide shows and videos.

The Program Review Committee of the Information Technology Department, in coordination with Staff Development Committee, organised an awareness session on E-library “ProQuest” on Thursday, 17 January 2019 in Lab A109. The session started at 1.45pm.  Mr Dilwar Islam Mazumder, member of PRC, conducted the session. The speaker demonstrated the

  • ProQuest repository, its different components, searching an article or a reference book in normal search and advanced search techniques, advantages and probable limitations of ProQuest.
  • Creating outcome-wise ProQuest reference book link in the E learning system.
  • Format and preparation of the weekly plan in E learning to incorporate the ProQuest resources.

At the end of the presentation, there was a question answer session. The session concluded at 2.30pm. The total average of feedback for this workshop is 3.1.


Sunday, 03 February 2019 00:00 Written by in IT TAGS

The Information Technology Department, through the Staff Development Committee, conducted a Workshop on MATLAB on Tuesday, 22 January 2019, in the Engineering Free Access Lab 001 at 12 noon. The speaker for the event was Dr Kumaravel, a lecturer at Ibri College of Technology. 

The speaker started with a brief history of MATLAB and its use in the IT field. He explained the advantages of MATLAB over other software available, by explaining the all the library function and their use.  This workshop helped staff members to get a better understanding of the software. Finally, the HoS for Mathematics requested the speaker to conduct the session using MATLAB for Math application. The event ended at1.45pm and staff members benefitted from the event. The workshop achieved a feedback score of  3.2.  


Sunday, 03 February 2019 00:00 Written by in IT TAGS

On 15 January 2019 the Learning Resource Committee of the Business Studies Department organised a workshop for its staff members on ‘Adapting ProQuest’ in their teaching methodology.

The purpose of this workshop was to create awareness among the staff members on ProQuest, its applications and how its resources support in research and learning. The workshop was aimed at encouraging teachers to include ProQuest in their teaching methodology so as to make the students’ learning process more fruitful.

Dr Syeda Zubaida Hashmi, the committee coordinator, gave the presentation wherein she introduced the staff members to ‘ProQuest’ and its uses. Later she demonstrated the steps involved in registering oneself as a member and the subsequent process on how it can be included into one’s research and learning. She also demonstrated on how to register the students on ProQuest and how they can use its applications in their learning.

She urged the members to encourage their students to register and start using various applications on ProQuest and make their learning more resourceful. All the members benefitted from this session and felt that ProQuest can indeed help the teachers and students in their teaching and learning pursuit.



Wednesday, 30 January 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies


  The Entrepreneurship Committee, Career Guidance Office and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Unit of Ibri College of Technology arranged an industrial visit to Ocean Plastic Industry in Ibri, on 28 January 2019. The students pursuing the Entrepreneurship course in their second-year diploma were taken to the company at 10am. They were accompanied by Mr Syed Akram Pasha (course teacher) and Mr Zaid (CGO).

 The main objective of the visit was to enlighten the students’ practical knowledge on entrepreneurship processes. During their visit, students saw the entire factory, received an overview of the organisational structure, and witnessed various processes carried out in plastic manufacturing. In addition to this, the company personnel explained to the students the types of plastic bags produced and their quality aspects to be accounted for making plastics. Furthermore, the importance of recycling process was also explained, and the students were shown how it is done. The visit ended with question and answer session with the company employees and the visit ended at 11.45am. Around 25 students were present and benefited from the experience.

 The visit was successfully conducted and on behalf of Entrepreneurship Committee I am thankful to the college management, assistant dean for student affairs, assistant dean for administration and finance, head of the Business Studies Department, Ocean Plastic Industry management and its employees and special word of thanks is extended to the Career Guidance Office coordinator, Mr Zaid Al-Badi, Ms Amal Al Mamari (Head of IESU Unit) and faculty members of the Business Studies Department.



Wednesday, 30 January 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The E-learning committee of the Engineering Department, in association with the Staff Development Committee, organised a presentation called “Advantages of the ProQuest-Database for online teaching resources” on 15 January 2019 from 1 to 2pm in the Free Access lab of the Engineering Department. The programme is aimed at creating awareness about the various advantages of the ProQuest-database. It also aims to enable staff to utilise the benefits of ProQuest through E-learning effectively and efficiently. 

Mr D. Prasanna Venkatesh, E-learning coordinator of the Engineering Department, explained in detail the three different categories of ProQuest. In addition, different options available for searching the “eBook central database” was explained. Mr Prasanna Venkatesh also explained about various download options available in the ProQuest database. He explained the limitations of ProQuest as well. The staff felt that the presentation was very useful and effective.


Monday, 28 January 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The IQAC of the Business Studies Department, in coordination with the Policy Management Committee, organised a Policy Awareness (First) Session, for the staff of the department on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 in room 016B at 11.45am. Dr Surendar Vaddepalli, IQAC coordinator of the department, conducted the session. 

He commenced the session by briefing the attendees on the purpose and importance of the awareness of different policies. The attendees were then divided into groups and each group was allocated one approved policy, to be read and discussed among the group members. 

The groups were then asked to highlight the important points of their allotted policy in the form of a summary and deliver it to the audience in the form of presentation so as to make each staff aware of the policies. 

Awareness activities on the Communication Policy, Documentation Policy, Exit Interview Policy, Mobile Phone and Gadgets Policy, Student Feedback Policy, Staff Induction Policy and Student Advising Policy were held during this first session. 

All the staff attended and benefitted from attending the session. The session concluded at 12.45pm.


Thursday, 17 January 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

ETC staff development committee in coordination with the Educational Services Section (ESS) conducted its first social activity, with a theme: “Building and Connecting”. The activity was held last Dec. 26, 2018 at the Multipurpose Hall. 

The objective of the activity was to build a strong working relationship among  ETC staff and connecting or sharing ideas.

The first activity was building a castle or fort, with only paper, tape, and staple as the material to use, 2 teams were made with 12 males and 12 females participated. The teams showcased their creativity in developing a tallest, free-standing, self-supporting PAPER CASTLE.

Then 2 individual activity was given and participated by all. They made a paper plane and solve math picture problem.

The last activity was connecting bridges. 2 Teams of 12 are given a paper, tape, and staple and create free-standing, self-supporting PAPER BRIDGE.

After all the activities were made, follow up questions regarding how teams perform, how leader delegate task and how ADRI cycle was made during the activities. Then a summary of the purpose of the activity was given.

Then awarding was made to those who participated in the activity and gift were given to 5 staff if the ETC that will be going for continued study.

The activity ends with a lunch gathering. 

Tuesday, 15 January 2019 00:00 Written by in ETC