Mr Sulaiman Rashid Al Gharibi gave a presentation titled Using SCL in Teaching English for the ELC-Staff at UTAS-Ibri on May 18, 2023. The nerve points of the presentation were the balance of power in the classroom, the function of the course content, the role of the teacher versus the role of the student, the responsibility of learning and the purpose and processes of evaluation.
He also drew the attention of the audience to the need to produce students who are good critical thinkers, problem solvers, and creative; they need to make sense of the information they possess, not memorize it and improve student engagement and ownership of learning.
The presentation also focused on essential indicators, shifts in the role of assessment, implications of SCL and importance of curriculum alignment to the expected standards.
The speaker ended the session with four steps to master the learner-centred approach in ELT classrooms.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in ELC

Mr Salim Al Shukeli conducted an exclusive training session on using the prescribed text Pathways for new teachers on May 11, Thursday at ELC, UTAS-Ibri.The session focused on two main aspects of using Pathways: The first was using pathways in the classroom and other associated activities. It was a kind of analysis on why the three skills reading, listening and speaking, were covered and writing as a skill was not addressed. The communication skills, the presentation skills as well as the opportunities for critical thinking were also covered. Additionally, the training session discussed the advantages and drawbacks of teaching Pathways to students at the university.
The second domain was about My ELT platform and how it supports teaching and learning. The main features that a teacher needs to know about are as follows: creating a course, creating students’ accounts, enrolling students, assigning activities, deleting activities, checking students’ activities as well as grades, deleting activities, specifying the time for activities, generating reports and finally awarding marks.
The discussion during the session helped the audience contemplate their methods and students’ response to the activities.
The session was received well and was acknowledged.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in ELC

In an effort to promote national priorities and facilitate research funding opportunities, a workshop aimed to empower researchers and encourage innovative solutions to address national challenges and requirements. The workshop was organized by the Research & Consultancy Committee of the IT Department and held offline on April 11th, 2023. It was delivered by Dr. Arthur Davis Nicholas, a senior lecturer in the engineering department. In view to Oman's vision for 2040 and the Sultanate’s commitment to advancing science, technology, and innovation, the workshop served as a platform to foster collaboration and support researchers in aligning their projects with the nation's strategic objectives. Dr. Arthur Davis, known for his expertise in engineering and research management, delivered valuable insights to the enthusiastic participants.
The workshop commenced with an overview of Oman's national priorities, emphasizing the critical areas of focus identified by the government to drive sustainable development. These priorities encompassed a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, education, energy, water resources, transportation, and information technology. Dr. Davis highlighted the importance of aligning research projects with these priorities to maximize their impact on the nation's progress.
Attendees were introduced to various research funding opportunities available in Oman. Dr. Davis shed light on governmental initiatives and research grants, encouraging researchers to explore these resources to support their projects. Throughout the workshop, Dr. Davis showcased examples of funded projects from the engineering department and illustrated the findings and contributions of these projects.
The session started at 11:00 AM and ended at 12:00 PM, where a total of 10 staff members participated. Participants' feedback was collected. The speaker was given a mean score of 4.23 on a scale of 1-5, where five is the highest.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT


The IT students of UTAS-Ibri participated in National Level competitions “TechFest 2023” and won prizes in “IoT Exhibition Competition” and “Research Paper Presentation Competition” organized by UTAS-CAS-Ibri on 9th May 2023. The UTAS-Ibri IT participants received great exposure on research trends, innovation, technological awareness and IoT projects knowledge. The winners and the supervisors received the awards/certificates from the Dean of the organizing branch, Dr. Rashid bin Sayied bin Said al-Hanai. The cash awards were also announced by the organizers. In order to recognize the achievements of the IT Teams, the winners were invited to the home department, and honored by Dr. Amal Bati Al-Abri, HoD-IT,  Ms. Fatma Said Al-Shamli, HoS-IT and Dr. Pugalarasu Rajan, HoS-Math.   Below are the winners:






Title: "Medical Room IoT System for Minimizing Medical Symptoms"







Title: "Hackers Attack on ATM Machines: A Case Study and Review"

The other IT Students who participated in TechFest competitions are as follows: Anwaar Khalid Ali Al Gharibi, Shima Ahmed Khalifa Al Kalbani, Marwah Said Hamed Al-Kalbaniya, Hudhifa Said Sulaiman Al Adawi, and Abdul Aziz Shihab Hamed Al-Mamari. They were accompanied by some of the IT lecturers: Ms. Sara Said Al Shukaili, Ms. Samya Samya Salim Ruziq Al Yaqoobi and Dr. Wilfred Blessing N.R.


Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

In a bid to foster academic collaboration and promote knowledge exchange, the Information Technology Department of University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Ibri has recently organized a successful Symposium on Soft Computing & Mathematical Modeling, bringing together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from diverse fields. The symposium, held in a hybrid mode, remarkably blended the advantages of both physical and virtual platforms to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and exploration of new frontiers in the realm of soft computing and mathematical modeling.
The event, which took place on May 11th 2023, witnessed an outstanding number of participants, with contributors joining in person as well as remotely from various locations. Hence, the symposium provided an excellent platform for academicians, industry professionals, and researchers to showcase their research work, engage in intellectual discourse, and gain insights into the latest trends and advancements in the field. The event has commenced at 9:30 am. Distinguished keynote speakers graced the symposium, sharing their expertise and shedding light on emerging challenges and opportunities in soft computing and mathematical modeling. The three keynote speakers, all renowned authorities in their respective areas, captivated the audience with their insightful presentations.
In addition to the keynote speeches, the symposium witnessed the submission and presentation of many research papers. Participants enthusiastically presented their findings, innovative methodologies, and practical applications related to soft computing and mathematical modeling.
Dr. Amal Bati Said Al Abri, the head of the IT department proudly announced in her welcome message that, “This conference has received a total of 210 research papers from 20 different countries. After a proper review, 60 quality papers were accepted by the scientific committee at the acceptance rate of 29%”. She also said, “The goal of this symposium is to establish fascinating knowledge for the prospective student community by travelling to all the stakeholders. It also looks at and discusses several multidisciplinary research outputs to boost the innovations in two different tracks - Soft Computing and Mathematical Modeling. It was announced that all accepted and presented papers will be published in renowned online journals, providing participants with an opportunity to disseminate their work to a wider audience and contribute to the global scientific community.
The hybrid format of the symposium proved to be a significant advantage, enabling both local and international participants to engage in the event without the constraints of physical attendance. The virtual component allowed for seamless remote participation, ensuring a global reach and fostering networking opportunities among researchers from different geographical locations.
With seven online tracks and one offline, all participants were able to present their research works and papers.
Dr. Amal Bati Said Al-Abri concluded the symposium with a word of thanks to all participants, keynote speakers, session chairs. She also announced the BEST PAPER and BEST PRESENTATION AWARDS for both the streams: soft computing and mathematical model. As the symposium concluded on a high note, participants left with a renewed enthusiasm to apply the concepts and ideas discussed, pushing the boundaries of soft computing and mathematical modeling further.
College Dean, Dr. Hamdan Mohammed Ali Al Manthari, and Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Nasser Salim Mohmmed Al Kalbani participated in the inaugural session and greeted the participants and the organizers of the symposium.
This symposium was organized under the chairmanship of Dr. Amal Bati Said Al Abri, and coordinated by Dr. Qais Saif Qassim Al Janabi, Dr. Musab Ahmed Mohammed Alrawi, Dr. Suresh Rasappan and contributed by Scientific Committee Members.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

In an effort to foster knowledge and expertise in the field of artificial intelligence, the Research and Consultancy Committee of the IT department organized an informative and interactive two-day workshop on machine learning and deep learning. The workshop was held on May 2nd and 3rd, 2023, and delivered by renowned resource person Dr. Raid Al Nima, a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Dr. Al Nima is an assistant professor at the Northern Technical University, and he has more than 100 indexed research papers and more than 600 citations. He is an editor and reviewer in many reputed journals. He is known for his extensive research contributions and practical applications in the field of machine learning and deep learning in various domains, including healthcare, finance, and technology.
Over the course of the two days, attendees were exposed to comprehensive training that encompassed both theoretical concepts and hands-on practical sessions. Dr. Al Nima covered a wide range of topics, including supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and deep learning. Also, he has demonstrated samples of his and his student's research work.
The workshop also provided ample opportunities for participants to engage in interactive discussions. Dr. Al Nima facilitated stimulating question-and-answer sessions, encouraging participants to share their experiences and insights. This collaborative environment fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas and encouraged participants to apply their newfound knowledge to real-world problem-solving scenarios.
Commenting on the workshop's success, Dr. Amal Al Abri, the Head of the Information Technology department, expressed her gratitude to Dr. Raid Al Nima for his invaluable contribution and his dedication to the success of this workshop.
At the end of his visit, a meeting with the Dean of the UTAS-Ibri branch, Dr. Hamdan Al Manthari, Dr Nasser Al Kalbani, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, and Mr Rashid Al Hinai, Assistant Dean of Administrative & Finance. The meeting focused on strengthening ties between the institution and the visiting expert, paving the way for future collaborations and mutual growth. The Dean acknowledged the visiting lecturer's reputation and highlighted the potential for collaborative opportunities that could arise from their visit. The Dean presented a memento to the distinguished guest. The memento served as a token of gratitude for the valuable insights and expertise shared by the visiting lecturer, as well as a symbol of the institution's deep appreciation for his contribution to the academic community.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

To encourage students to participate in competitions and foster innovation and creativity as part of their education, five (5) IT student teams participated in the Middle East College (MEC) Hackathon on 16th May 2023 held at MEC campus in Muscat. The Hackathon was organized by the Department of Computing of MEC under the theme "Hack the future with AI". The teams have participated in five different ideas related to IoT and Artificial Intelligence. A team led by Ms. Alanoud Said Al Badi presented one of the innovative ideas. The idea is to design a training system for musical instruments. Another idea was presented by a team led by Ms. Bashayer Mohammad. The idea is to develop a smart bracelet for industry workers to detect and alert for poisonous gases. Moreover, a team led by Ms. Tamader Al Alawi has presented an intelligent toothbrush with the capability to measure the ph level of the mouth to estimate the existence of germs and other substances. Ms. Salma Al Kalbani's team presented the fourth idea. The idea was to utilize deep learning and drones to detect debris near the garbage containers. The last team was led by Anwar Al Gharibi. The team presented an idea to recognize people's feelings and provide the required support.
The event concluded at 4:00 PM. All team members have received participation certificates. The list of participants is provided below.


Student Name

Student ID


Tamader Ali  Alalwi



Fatema Rashid Al Haddadi



Shama Ali Al-Alwe 



Nasra Khalid Almazroui



Bashair Mohammed Saleem Al Shukri



Salma Saif Musallam Al Kalbani



Sara Aamir Mohammed Al Aisari



Aya Sulaiman Masaaod Al Kalbani



Hiba Ali Abdallah Al Manai



Salma Mohammed Al-Kalbani



Alanoud Said Al-Badi



Sumaiyah Rashid Al-Shuhoumi



Ghadeer Hamed Mohammed Al Yaqoubi



Yaqeen Ahmed Sulaiman Al Farsi



Anwaar Khalid Al Gharibi



Noor Humaid Algharibi



Anwaar Asim Almamari



Marwa Said Alkalbani



Shima Ahmed Alkalbani



Balaqis Salim Rashid Al Badi


Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

On 4th May 2023, the Staff Development Committee of Engineering department organized an online awareness program on "A Healthy Heart for Healthy Life" through MS Teams from 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM. The program aimed to create awareness about a healthy heart for healthy life and targeted audience for the webinar were all the faculty members of UTAS-Ibri. Dr.V.Muralidharan, Associate Professor, Vishnu Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Narsapur, Telangana, was the guest speaker from India.
During the session Dr.V.Muralidharan explained with brief differentiation between the heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest. Then he related these differences with the data associated with sports-related sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Then he explained the life support technique called CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) its recognition and sequence of operations to perform. He is also discussed with detailed list for the reason being so unhealthy in our life. The program was a great success and the participants appreciated the efforts of the Staff Development Committee for organizing such an insightful program.

Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Gender Bias is quite a rampant phenomenon in the world since time immemorial. At the advent of 20th century human rights movements and women suffragettes have lessened the situation. Despite that we see a lot gender bias in every field of life and in every corner of the world. It’s also found in Education field as well.
With this backdrop Mr Muhammed Aslam conducted a session for the ELC teaching staff at UTAS-Ibri on May 4, 2023 on identifying the biased materials in the curriculum that is being followed across the universities and he reiterated that teachers should be prudent enough to handle the issues through relevant teaching methods

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 00:00 Written by in ELC

The UTAS-Ibri IT team recently participated in an IoT Build-Off Competition organized by UTAS-Al Musanna Branch on 11th May, 2023. The competition included 8 teams and was presided over by Dr. Ahmed Ali Ahmed Al Shahri, Dean, UTAS Al Mussanah. Despite the tough competition, the UTAS-Ibri IT team's hard work paid off after garnering the 3rd place. The competition challenged participants to design and develop IoT-based solutions that demonstrated practical and innovative solutions for real-world problems. Students from various colleges and universities participated in the competition, and each team was composed of 2-3 participants. The UTAS-Ibri team's IoT Circuit Design involved using various electronic components such as sensors, actuators, LCD, breadboard wires, and an Arduino as the main controller. They also developed custom code program to handle data collection, analysis, and control, showcasing their expertise in IoT technology and their ability to design and implement practical solutions for real-world problems.
UTAS-Ibri team is composed of Mr. Hamood Hamed Al Shabanoti, Said Salim Al Alawi and Masad Hamed Al Alawi with the supervision of Mr. Isabelo Paat, IT Lecturer.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT