A Workshop on Blooms Taxonomy

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The Business Studies Department took a forward step to conduct a series of Workshops on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The first workshop was conducted on 5 June 2017 from 11.15 am to 01.15 pm in the VIP Lounge.   The workshop started with an introduction by Dr Tamilselvan, welcoming HOD, HOS HR and Accounting and staff members of the Business Studies Department.

The objective of the workshop was to have an insight into how a teacher approaches and delivers different outcomes of his/her course across different levels.

Dr Manjula V, speaker for the day, started with a saying that ‘I hear I forget, I see I remember, I do I understand’. Then she gave a brief introduction about the Blooms Taxonomy and its revised version 2001. The speaker then defined ‘Why Blooms Taxonomy’ and its significance.She then explained about the Oman Educational Framework.  She discussed the framework in six cognitive levels, emphasising that the session was about the first two cognitive levels ‘Remembering and Understanding’ and that the remaining levels would be discussed in detail in succeeding workshops by Dr Tamilselvan and Dr Murale Venugopalan. 

She then explained the keywords, examples and technologies that could be implemented in the courses for the students of Diploma Level 1. Two activities were conducted, Activity One was to find out the best teaching methodology and second was on best assessment process for the courses.  Groups were formed with one team leader and four members.  There were six groups in all that participated actively and came out with their constructive feedback on the activity. In the end Dr Manjula V Thanked the ADAA, HOD – Business Studies Department, HOS HR and Accounting for giving the opportunity to conduct this workshop.

Read 780 times Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 05:10
Monday, 11 June 2018 00:00 Written by  Dr Manjula V In Business Studies Tags
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