Data Visualisation Techniques in Data Science

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The IT department of UTAS Ibri organised a webinar on Data Visualization Techniques in Data Science on 28 June 2021 as an effort to educate external society on various IT related technologies.

Mr Mangesh welcomed and appreciated attendees who voluntarily registered the webinar to explore how variety of data can be effectively presented to the target audience using visualization in Python.

The webinar was targeted at the researchers and student community who struggle in representing their findings effectively using available tools. It was specifically planned to motivate people who pursue data analysis of various forms, irrespective of their domains and background, to use Python to visualise their results effectively.

He began the discussion by giving a brief introduction of data science and why visualisation is important in data science. Continuing, he demonstrated the techniques available in Python using the two most widely used libraries, Matplotlib and Seaborn. Starting with basic charts, he moved on to demonstrate how different types of advanced charts can also be created. The demonstration was done on Google Collaboratory, an online programming tool available for free. In the first part, it was shown how the data can be saved in the Python data structures and used to create visualisations using simple programming. In the second part, the data was fetched from the file saved on Google Drive to prepare charts. 

The webinar was useful for researchers in the field of business, social sciences, computer science as well as for those who just want to learn these techniques as hobbyist working on exploring data.

Around 45 participants across Oman attended the webinar. They all appreciated the arrangements and efforts of the organisers to conduct such webinars to educate community on these technologies. The feedback was collected from the participants. On the scale of five, the overall feedback was 4.6 

Read 110 times Last modified on Monday, 06 September 2021 09:58
Thursday, 15 July 2021 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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