Policies Awareness Session

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The IT department, through its Quality Assurance committee conducted an “Awareness Session on UTAS-Policies” for the newly joined staff held in the IT meeting room on 29th Nov, 2022 at 12 pm . The presenter was Dr Pugalarasu Rajan, HoS-Math Section and he started talking about the teaching and learning policies (moderation policy and examination policy). He explained the purpose of moderation policy which is to facilitate the academic staff to ensure the appropriateness of the teaching standards, assessment and maintain the uniformity in evaluation. Furthermore, Dr Pugal reiterated that the purpose of the examination policy is to ensure an equitable process of conducting examinations and maintaining security in a manner that supports the commitment of the University towards academic integrity.

Moreover, Dr Pugalarasu explained about the staff and staff support services which includes the handover policy, staff severance policy, staff grievance policy and exit interview policy. The purpose of the handover policy to update a staff member’s successor, with latest information regarding the position so that a smooth transition is ensured. He also presented the purpose of staff severance policy which is to provide a clear guidance regarding the actions to be taken when a staff resigns or being terminated from his/her job at the University. Likewise, for the staff grievance policy, Dr Pugal mentioned about the purpose which is devoted to find prompt, fair, impartial, and efficient solutions to staff grievances in order to ensure a harmonious and productive work environment. The policy encompasses grievances relating to issues such as term and conditions of employment, organizational climate, discrimination, denial of statutory employment rights, intimidation, result of staff appraisal, leave, and others. Finally, the presenter explained the purpose of exit interview policy which is to identify the reasons why staff permanently leaving the University; reduce staff turnover; identify areas to be improved; identify training/development required by the staff and develop and maintain a healthy working environment at the University.

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Monday, 19 December 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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