C++ Programming Basics

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The IT Department, through its IT Society organized a workshop for the students and community about the Basics of C++ programming in Arabic from 16th October to 20th October 2022. The workshop was conducted online through Google Meet and it was presented by Said Saud Al Qassabi, an IT student. The participants learned how to create variables, deal with different types of data, output and receive data, conditional statements, recursion statements, lists, functions and pointers. Similarly, the presenter introduced the use of online tools for compiling and running the code using CodeBlocks and other online compilers like online GDP and cpp.sh. At the end of the workshop, the presenter received a feedback of 4.9 from a rating scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest. This means that the 18 participants who benefitted the workshop were very much delighted about the presentation.

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Thursday, 22 December 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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