Python Programming basics in Arabic

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The IT Department, through its IT society organized a workshop for the students and community about the Basics of Python Programming which was delivered in Arabic last 8-12 November 2022. The workshop was conducted online through MS Teams and it was presented by Amjad Al Kalbani, an IT student. The topics discussed is presented below:

- Level One:

  • Introduction
  • Download & install
  • Printing
  • Code structure
  • Data types
  • Expressions
  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Comparison Expressions
  • IF condition
  • Loops
  • Functions

- Level Two:

  • Variables (Middle)
  • Constants
  • Data Structures
  • Dictionaries
  • Functions (Middle)
  • Basic Mathematical Calculations
  • Value Assignment
  • Casting
  • Try – Except
  • Files Handling

There were 62 participants who were benefitted from this activity. Towards the end of the session, a feedback was taken from the participants and as a result, the presenter garnered a 4.5 score from a rating scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest. This reveals that the participants were satisfied and contented about the contents and delivery of the workshop.

Read 87 times
Thursday, 22 December 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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