Computing Skills Friendly Competition

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The Information Technology department at the University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Ibri organized a Computing Skills friendly competition between its two campuses (CAS vs COT) in 15th December 2022. This event aimed at promoting student's engagement in extracurricular activities (2.4.5) and building long standing partnerships with education providers (4.2) of the University’s Strategic Plan (SP). Before the commencement of the competition, Dr Amal Al-Abri, HoD-IT gave her opening and inspirational talk to the participants. Thereafter, the competition started. The competition has 2 parts: Part 1 was an MCQ-type questions where the participants tested their comprehension whereas Part 2 was the practical component where the students were tested by their computing skills using MS Word and MS Excel applications. After the competition proper, Ms Hajer Al Saidi, IT Lecturer – UTAS-Ibri(CAS) and Ms Sara Al-Shukeili, IT Lecturer – UTAS-Ibri evaluated the work of all students.

The result of the competition:

First Place - Hiba Khamis Al Risi (UTAS-Ibri - COT)

Second Place – Mohammed Rashid Al-Jadeedi (UTAS-Ibri-COT)

Third Place – Miyra Awadh Al-Kalbani (UTAS-Ibri-COT)

Fourth Place – Abrar Badar Al-Abri (UTAS-Ibri-CAS)

Fifth Place – Yaqeen Salim Al-Yarabi (UTAS-Ibri-CAS)

Mr William, IT Lecturer-UTAS-Ibri, the organizer, along with Ms Hajer Al-Saidi announced and awarded the prizes to all the winners. The First Prize received a cash prize and a certificate of recognition, while all other placers received a special gift along with a certificate of recognition. All other participants were given certificate of participation.

The event through students’ feedback garnered a 4.44 mean score on a rating scale of 1-5, where 5 is the highest. This means that the participants were satisfied on how the event was conducted.

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Sunday, 25 December 2022 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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