An introduction to C#.NET Programming

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The IT Department through its Public Relations Marketing Committee (PRMC) conducted an event entitled, “An introduction to C#.NET programming” to all the students of UTAS-Ibri in 20 December 2022. Mr. Shaik Asif, an IT Lecturer at UTAS-Ibri conducted the event and he started by introducing to students the history of C#.NET programming and how it was evolved by following its predecessor languages. Moreover, the speaker spoke on how the different programming languages like Pascal, C, C++, Java were introduced to the world and subsequently how it had been led to eventually to develop C#.NET programming by Microsoft Company. Novel concepts in C#: operator overloading, managed code , unmanaged code and logical implications were discussed. The speaker explained to the students the uses, features of C# programming language. The .NET architecture was also explained during the session. Finally, a practical activity was conducted using Visual Studio 2022 to demonstrate to the students about console and desktop programming using C#. Towards the end of the session, a feedback was taken from the participants, and as a result, 4.7 rating was given by the students on a scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest.

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Thursday, 05 January 2023 00:00 Written by  IT Department In IT
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