Industrial Visit to Information Technology Authority (ITA), Oman

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On Thursday 12 October 2017, a member of the Industrial Link committee, Ibri College of Technology (Ibrict) visited ITA, Al Khoud with a group of 13 students. The objective of the visit was to establish links in specifically the following areas:

  • Technology Awareness 
  • Student Training
  • Entrepreneurship/Incubation
  • Job Opportunities
  • Projects
  • Expert Talk

Ms. Ameera, Senior Project Specialist from ITA, welcomed the group for a tour to three main centres – SAS Entrepreneurship, SAS Mob, SAS VR for a tour of each centre.

SAS Entrepreneurship:

A staff member of the ITA gave a tour on how the concept of incubation works in the centre. If any entrepreneur has a particular idea that promises a business with value and profit. The centre would support with physical space, proposal development, finance and various resources for a certain period of time. The staff highlighted the various risks that could be involved. However, they are solvable or reduced by conducting quarterly reviews. Some risks discussed were coordination, finance, on-time delivery with expectation from live projects. As a part of entrepreneurship, the staff also suggested that their members can visit Ibri College of Technology for providing a talk on various opportunities. A few entrepreneurship areas that can be highlighted are film making, software development, supply systems, design, event management, security, etc.

SAS Mob:

The Mobile development centre organized a tour on how they work. The member showed that there are specifically three areas of training and development – Android, iOS and Hybrid. The centre conducts training in these areas and programming languages for three months. For a rapid training course, the centre provides a 10-day program chargeable for both students and staff. The centre has live application development programs in collaboration with HCL Technologies, India. SAS Mob provides devices to suitable candidates for testing their apps and additionally be consultants for any particular projects.


The key highlight of ITA was the Virtual Reality (VR) centre where Ms. Ameera gave a tour of the centre and their capabilities of enhancing user experience by creating fully immersive systems that help in areas of education and business. Many students experienced a ‘WOW’ factor that gave them an opportunity to experience graphical objects modelled from real world objects and also ‘walk-around’ the area for exploration. Ms. Ameera offers collaboration on many aspects and also discussed training workshops that can be planned on-demand.

This visit has achieved a feedback mean score of 4.583.

Read 508 times Last modified on Monday, 13 November 2017 08:28
Thursday, 19 October 2017 00:00 Written by  Brian Gee Chacko In IT Tags
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