Awareness on Curriculum Development and Review Framework (CDRF)

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The Staff Development Committee of the Information Technology Department, along with Curriculum Review Committee, conducted a workshop on “Awareness on Curriculum Development and Review Framework (CDRF)” in Lab 1 on 16 November 2017 between 1:40 – 2:55pm. Mr. Shaik Mastan Vali, Lecturer, IT Section, IT department, was the resource person.

Mr. Shaik Mastan gave an introduction about what CDRF is and the purpose of CDRF. He then explained the elements of the CDRF. He emphasized the Top Down process followed in framing the scheme in line with the college’s vision, mission, and graduate attributes. He also explained the cycle right from curriculum development to its review. He discussed the hierarchical approach of the whole process. In the end, he explained various formats available, and procedures to follow in order to review the course by course teachers as well as coordinators.

Ms Mozza, Lecturer IT, discussed various questions framed for collecting students’ survey feedback about courses and invited suggestions from all.

Finally, feedback about the attainment of objectives of workshop and relevance was collected from attendees online. It was found that most of them were highly satisfied. The average feedback score was 3.91 on a scale of 5.

Read 912 times Last modified on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 09:23
Wednesday, 22 November 2017 00:00 Written by  Dr. G. Shanmugarathinam In IT Tags
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