IT Staff Trip

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A staff trip for the Information Technology Department was organized by the Social Committee of the department on 8 February, 2018 at Rayibah Farm, Ibri. A total of 24 staff members participated in the event with their families.

In all, total 63 members were present at the venue at around 2pm. The event started with a delicious lunch in the afternoon followed by various fun activities for kids along with others.

Kids enjoyed various fun filled competitions like lemon with spoon race, blind folded games, ring tossing etc. Adults also enjoyed some board games, blind folded recognition of vegetables, volleyball, etc.

The farmhouse was equipped with a swimming pool; kids play area, board games like pool, carom, etc. It was a memorable time apart from routine academic and administrative work, which everyone present has enjoyed.

In the evening, snacks were served with tea. The families mingled with each other making new friends forever to enjoy many more such events in days to come. Ms. Saba Hasan, coordinated the whole event which received lot of appreciation from everyone present. It was a very happy, rejuvenating, and recreational day for all the present.

Read 528 times Last modified on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 10:06
Thursday, 15 February 2018 00:00 Written by  Dr. G. Shanmugarathinam In IT Tags
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